Chapter 61: Most Metal EVER!

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Lilly looked at Eddie when he jumped down onto the floor of the trailer.Dustin came up behind her.'God you two are so full of each other its almost gross.' He said but with a dirty smirk on his face.'Almost Dustie bun?' Lilly said teasingly before jumping after Eddie.Dustin followed.

And the three of them were walking over to Eddie's room.'Oh my god...' Eddie brought out.'It's like...It's like she was destined for an alternate dimension..' Eddie said as he walked into his room.Lilly and Dustin followed him closely. They saw him staring at the mirror in the back of his room.His guitar was hanging in the exact middle of the mirror. He was right in fact. Lilly was loving the guitar.

Eddie was so passionate about playing guitar and this one. He got it from his uncle when he was ten years old. And has been repeatedly playing it since.Even started a band with some of the older Hellfire members.The times Lilly had spent time in the Munson trailer they always ended up having sex but after that they smoked together and Eddie was always playing her favorite songs choruses on his guitar.

He was going to teach her how to play too.                                                                                                              But after that promise all this shit went down.

'What do you say Henderson, Johnson?'Eddie picked up the guitar and turned towards them.'Are you ready for the most metal concert in the history of the world?' The both of them smirked at him. 'Is that a rhetorical question?' Lilly said to him.She put her arm around Dustin's neck and pulled him towards her.'We were born ready.' They both said excitedly.

Eddie put the guitar strap over his head and threw the guitar on his back.'Let's do it..' Eddie said.'Where was that amp you talked about?' Lilly then said.'The neighbors used to have an Amp.' Eddie said.'They used to have a band and used to have this huge amp.' he explained using his hands to show how big it was.'But they moved away after the wife passed.' Dustin looked confused at him.'Did they leave the amp here?' Dustin asked.

'No it was 2,5 years ago.' Eddie said. Dustin was looking even more confused.'But the Upside down was created on the day Will went missing.' Lilly said.'And that's the day the upside down has been stuck at for 3 years.' Eddie said.'Which means the amp is still here..' Dustin said.'Exactly!' Both Eddie and Lilly replied fistbumping each other.

They felt a bit cocky after they outsmarted Dustin.'Well let's go.' Dustin said as he climbed up the ladder.Lilly followed and after that came Eddie.'Which trailer?' Lilly asked looking around to Eddie.'The one with the storage unit next to it.' Eddie said as he remembered something and went back into the trailer.

Lilly and Dustin jumped of the trailer and walked over to the storage unit. 'It has a huge fucking lock.' Lilly sighed.'We don't have the fucking time to search for a key.' Dustin exclaimed.'No need to.' Eddie said as he came up with huge bold cutters.He broke through the lock with ease.Lilly and Dustin were looking at each other with question marks. 'Guys you clearly don't remember in what kind of environment I grew up in.' Eddie said shrugging his shoulders.

He threw the bold cutters to the side and opened the door to the storage it was everything they needed for an band.Lights, guitars, microphones, amps and even drums. 'We just need the amp right?' Lilly said.'Yea and the wires to plug it in.' Dustin said.

'Good you search for those, we get the amp on the roof.' Lilly said and looked at Eddie he nodded but ran to put his guitar to the side before lifting the amp with her.The ladder was a challenge but they got it up there.And when Dustin came around with the wires they plugged it in.Lilly had climbed up through the snack sized gate again to throw a huge extension cord through.when she climbed through it again she went up on top of the trailer again and gave Dustin the last part of the extension cord.He plugged it in.

'Let's hope this works...' Dustin said crossing his fingers towards Lilly.'Let's hope that he doesn't fuck up his solo.' Lilly said smirking at Eddie.'Even though I'm doing this for Chrissy..' Eddie said while ripping off his necklace holding a guitar pick.'I remember you telling me this was your favorite Metallica song so I practiced.' Eddie said as he strung his guitar and started playing the intro of Master of puppets by Metallica.

He started off perfectly. Eddie was focusing on his guitar and his fingers but on the other side right next to the amp was Lilly biting her lip.This is one of the reason she really loved this guy. And Dustin was beaming next to her.He was loving all kinds of rock and metal music and the fact that Eddie the person he looked up immensely was fucking playing the upside down.

The both of them looked at each other and they were laughing and started to bang their heads to the song. And when usually James Hetfield would kick in with his immensely amazing voice.The both of them started chanting the song.When after like maybe two minutes they started to hear screeching and the both of them looked up.

Dustin got his binoculars he saw the bats closing in.'EDDIE' He shouted.To which Eddie actually heard him and looked at him.'We gotta lock down in T-Minus 30 seconds!' Dustin yelled at him showing three fingers and his other hand formed a zero.He nodded and dived into the rift of the song with Ease.Lilly was even more impressed with her metalhead.

But she started preparing for what was about to come. she pushed Dustin towards the ladder and braced herself for pulling Eddie down and unplugging the guitar so they could close the roof.'T-Minus TWENTY!' Lilly yelled at him. He nodded and went even harder with his guitar solo.'TEN!' Dustin yelled.The bats were closing in and Lilly was ready to pull the plug.'FIVE' Lilly yelled.

And Eddie closed of the song. It was loud it was amazing it was hard. The three of them were full of adrenaline. But Lilly had a clear head she pulled the guitar of Eddie's head threw it to Dustin while holding the cord and it popped out.

She pushed Eddie down the ladder and dived after them herself. She closed the window on the roof and with a rope she had fastened to the frame she tied it around the heavy wooden cupboard.When she was done she let out the breath she had been holding for the last five minutes.They all looked at each other when they were inside. The bats were attacking the fences they had barricaded the house with.'Guys...' Dustin said.'Most Metal EVER!!' He exclaimed as the three of them started jumping around excitingly.'Oh my god that's once in a lifetime' Eddie yelled.'that was so fucking hot.' Lilly blurted out.her hand on her mouth in the same second she said that.Eddie grin turned into a smirk.And Dustin just rolled his eyes.

Dancing with the Devil {Eddie Munson x Fem OC}Where stories live. Discover now