Chapter 47: Hawkins high swim captain.

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It was dark and they were still following the compass.Dustin was up front with Lilly closely behind him.'Something's happening.' He said excitedly following the compass.Lilly was still right behind him as he almost started to run and she followed his lead.

'Dustin? Can you slow down? Dustin!' Eddie said as he walked after them.'I think we're getting close!' Dustin said behind him.He almost ran into the lake as both Eddie and Lilly pulled him back from falling.'Watch your step, big guy.' Eddie said while slapping on his back.

'Oh man..' Steve said as he came up to them.'You gotta be shittin me..' Steve continued.'Yep..' Both Lilly and Eddie said gazing over the water.' I thought these woods were familiar.' Eddie replied to himself.'Lover's Lake.' Robin said breathlessly.

'This is confounding.' Dustin said.'There's a gate in Lovers Lake?' Max asked.'Whenever the Demogorgon attacked it always left an opening.' Nancy said looking over the water.'Maybe Vecna's the same way?' She suggested looking at Dustin.'yeah only one way to find out.' Steve then said.

But Eddie was already walking away.'Hey!' Steve yelled softly to him.But they all followed quickly.And Eddie threw a sheet of an boat. they threw it in the water.

'Easy. I.. I said Easy, man.' Steve said to Eddie.'Sorry man.' Eddie replied.They both held on to the back of the boat so everyone could get inLilly stepped in first putting her hands on both boys their head and stepping inside the boat.'Thank you.' She said smugly.'Yeah that works.' Steve said while rolling his eyes.

Robin stepped in after her and Lilly grabbed her hand. 'Thanks.' she said.Then Eddie stepped in holding out his hand for Nancy.'Wheeler.' He politely said. Dustin was right behind her.But Eddie flicked him against his forehead.

'Hey, hey, hey, you trying to sink us?' He told Dustin.'This thing holds 4 people tops.' Eddie said to Dustin.'it's better this way, okay?You guys stay here with Max.Keep an eye out for trouble.' Nancy said.'You keep an eye out!' Dustin replied slightly offended.To which Nancy looked at him with an open mouth.'It's my goddamn theory.' he stood by his words.'You heard Nance.' Lilly then said.

'Who put her in charge?' Dustin asked still slightly offended.'I did.' Lilly answered directly to which he softly pouted.'Compass?' Nancy said holding her hand out to Dustin.Who stomped on the ground with his feet but gave up his compass to Nancy.'Here hold this.' Steve said throwing the backpack to Dustin.As he pushed the boat off and jumped in.

'You said four!' Dustin said now really offended.'Sorry.' Steve mouthed as the five of them were off.'Bedtime at nine kiddos!' Lilly said to them from off the lake.To which Dustin flipped her the bird.'Miss you already!' Lilly said while standing up.But she got pulled back by Eddie.

They all rowed themselves further into the lake.Nancy had given Lilly the compass. She was holding it. as it was still pointing the way they were going.But suddenly it started going mental. 'Whoa! Whoa.' Lilly said making them all stop.

On the shore Lucas, Dustin and Max were looking over towards all of them with binoculairs.'They're stopping.' Lucas said. 'What are they stopping for?' Dustin asked'guys what's going on?' Dustin asked in the walkie-talkie.'Come on guys, talk to me what's going on?' 'Uh, Dustin, your compass has gone from wonky to wonky with a captal 'AAHH' ' Robin answered.

They were all looking at the compass but Lilly pulled Steve's sweater over her head leaving her in a black black sabbath tank top. 'Lills what are you doing?' Steve said as she put her hair up into a bun. Steve then noticed what she was doing and did the same. pulling his shirt over his head and taking off his shoes.'Somebody's gotta go down there and check this out.' Steve said.

Lilly was squinting his eyes at him.It was her idea and now he was trying to be a superhero.'Unless one of you four can top being a Hawkins High swim co-captain and a certified lifeguard for three years, then.. It's gotta be me.' Steve said as he stood up.But they heard a splash.

Lilly was already in the water.she was having nothing of Steve's i'm the selfless man of the group.She came up looking at Steve who was also making himself ready to get into the water.Eddie threw a flashlight into a plastic bag and gave it to Steve.'Hey good luck.' He told Steve.'And Lilith get the fuck out of that water.' He said worried.

'Oh boohoo..I used to almost live in a pool.' Lilly said as she took a deep breath and disappeared beneath the surface.Steve jumped into the water fastly following her.Lilly let Steve get in front because he was holding the flashlight of course.

She felt a little offended by what Eddie said but when she thought it through she knew he was actually worried and wanted her save. Lilly felt a stone with her fingers which meant they were almost or already at the bottom but she couldn't feel sand.

She was looking around at the bottom and Steve was too.When she heard some kind of movement in the water she turned around when she saw a red light coming from a little further she swam to Steve and pointed to the red light.The both of them started swimming towards it.

Oh the shore there were suddenly all kinds of lights and Dustin, Lucas and Max were scared shitless.'It's the police.' They three of them said.Lilly was hovering over the red gate she was looking at.She looked at Steve who mentioned they needed to get up.And she nodded the both of them swam upwards towards the boat. Lilly first and Steve followed her directly.

Eddie was starting to get worried.'How can they hold their breath for this long..' He complained not trying to show he was actually scared shitless.When suddenly Lilly came up gasping for air.And Steve right after her on the other side of the boat.'Christ!' Eddie brought out.

'We found it.' Lilly said spitting out water.Robin talked into the walkie-talkie.'Dustin you're a goddamn Einstein.They found the gate.' 'I mean it's more like a snack-size gate. It's way smaller than the mama-gate but still, pretty damn big.' Steve explained to Nancy.

When suddenly he got pulled under.He came up for a second.'That's not funny Lills.' He said filling his lungs with air.'Uhm Harrington, she's not doing anything.' Eddie brought out.And in a second Steve was under again.All four of them scared shitless Lilly dived beneath the surface trying to see what got Steve it was some sort of tentacle and it was pulling him towards the gate.

'She came up.Fuck it's a fucking tentacle and  it has Steve.' She brought out.She jumped up the side of the boat grabbing something out of her bag.It was a knife she put it between her teeth and took a deep breath.

'Elizabeth Johnson you're not..' Eddie started but she was underneath the surface and swam directly after Steve. But the tentacle was pulling faster than she could swim.She felt some disturbance on the water above her and saw someone jump in. She waited a second but went back after Steve. Lilly saw a hand getting through the gate and her eyes turned big. 'fuck' she thought to herself but steadied herself she went after him. Towards the gate she hovered above it for a second as she saw Nancy getting closer and something behind her too. She then looked at Nancy before pushing her hand through the gate as she got swallowed whole.

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