Chapter 49: Bonding

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While Nancy and Steve were basicly fucking each other with their eyes. Eddie climbed on top of a big tree trying to spot any weird looking animals or bats. 'So... uh..This place is like Hawkins, but with monsters and nasty shit?' Eddie asked to the others.Lilly didn't know anything of this place. 'Pretty much.' Nancy said while helping Steve get up.Eddie nodded and wanted to jump back down.

'Wait!' Nancy said taking a step towards him.'Watch out for the's all a hive mind.' 'It's all a what?' Lilly said turning to Nancy.Eddie was looking around him as he saw he was surounded by vines.'All the creepy and crawlies around here dude.They're like one or something.' Steve said leaning against Skull rock.'You step on one vine, you're stepping on a bat, you're stepping on Vecna.' Steve explained.Eddie just nodded and carefully walked back to Lilly.'Shit.' he said as he came down without touching one and Lilly helped him get down.

'But everything from our world is still here, right?Except people, obviously?' Robin asked.'As far as I understand it, yeah.' Nancy answered.'So, theoretically, we could go to the police station, and-' Robin started but got interrupted by Lilly.'And steal guns and grenades and whatever we need to blow up-' Lilly got interrupted again by Robin.'To blow up those bat things that are guarding the gate.' Robin finished.The both of them smirked by the great plan and fist bumped each other.

'Yeah, I highly doubt that the Hawkins PD has grenades, guys.' Steve answered.'But guns, yeah sure.' 'Well, we don't have to go all the way downtown for guns.' Nancy then said.'I have guns..' She admitted.'In my bedroom.' Nancy added.Eddie walked closer to Nancy.

'You, Nancy Wheeler, have guns, plural, in your bedroom?' Eddie asked not believing his ears.'And a Tom Cruise poster.' Lilly added smirking.To which she earned a glare from Nancy.'Full of suprises, isn't she.' Robin said to Eddie.'A Russian Makarov and a revolver.' Nancy told Eddie.

'Yeah you almost shot me with that one.' Steve added as he stood next to Nancy.To which Lilly tried to hold in her smirk.but she couldn't help but scoff trying to hold in her laugh.'You almost deserved it.' Nancy said with a smirk to Steve.Once again they looked at each other like they were going to eat eachother's face off.Lilly looked at both Eddie and Robin with a raised eybrow.When Eddie took of his denim vest and threw it in Steve's arms.'For your modesty, dude.' Eddie told him.Steve looked mockingly at Eddie but put the vest on.

When suddenly the ground started shaking like it was an earthquake.They all fell to the ground Steve grabbed Nancy and pushed the both of them against Skull Rock.Eddie grabbed Lilly by her arm and Lilly pulled Robin against her.They were all panting when it was over.But they were not the only ones disturbed by the earthquake.The whole woods started squealing and making sounds.Like all kinds of creatures were waking up.Eddie then said'So uh.. guns seem like a pretty good idea to me.'To both Lilly and Robin nodded heavily.'Yeah me too.' Robin added.Lilly stood up and took the flashlight.'So.. What are we waiting for.' She said as she walked away.Steve and Nancy were directly behind her.As Robin and Eddie were still sitting down for an extra second.'You really chose the feistiest one didn't you.' Robin then said as she jumped up and helped Eddie up.'I guess so.' Eddie said while rolling his eyes and walking after the three others with Robin.

After walking for a few miles and Lilly gave up walking up front.She knew almost nothing about Hawkins.Not even where Nancy lived.So Nancy was up front holding the flashlight.Robin and Lilly were right behind her.'Couldn't we like have tried a road, or something just slightly less creepy?' Robin asked.'I think we're getting close. We're almost out of here. Don't worry.' Nancy answered.

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