Chapter 12: Busy

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It was Steve getting cosy with Brenda.

To which Lilly's mouth fell open.

Eddie was a little weirded out.

Not knowing what to say to her.

Till Lilly came closer to him

'Oh my fucking god let's go.' Lilly said whispering.

Brenda and Steve were kind off busy with each other in the living room.

So Both Eddie and Lilly snuck by them.

Both soaked from the pool trying to be as discreet as possible.

They were going up the stairs.

When the both of them were up the stairs

Eddie stopped Lilly.

'It's kinda cool what you're doing right now, but isn't this like invading a home?' Eddie whispered.

Lilly looked at him sheepishly but then she heard Steve coming up the stairs.

'Quick.' Lilly said and she pushed Eddie into Steve's room.

When they had closed the door the both of them looked around.

'Fuck this is Steve's room.' Lilly cursed whispering.

'well fuck.' Eddie replied and was about to go seek hiding in the closet.

'No come here.' Lilly said and pulled him into the bathroom.

She closed the door and locked it directly.

The both of them heard the door open and giggling and some other sounds could be heard.

To which a shiver went up both Lilly and Eddie's spine.

Eddie sat down on the toilet.

'I'm sorry you needed to see that.' Eddie said softly to Lilly.

Who was casually braiding her hair so it wouldn't a tangled mess when she woke up.

'Yeah I'ts kinda gross, but I don't know why you're so grossed out?' Lilly said frowning as she turned to Eddie.

Her lipstick was smurred over her face and her eyeliner had started running because of the tackle in the pool.

'Well.. ' Eddie started getting a bit more confused by the second.

'I kinda thought you liked him?' Eddie said standing up scratching the back of his head.

'Steve?' Lilly mouthed to him with even more confusion on her face.

'Yeah who else Brenda?' Eddie mouthed back.

Lilly bit on her lip and walked to the other side of the bathroom.

'Lilith where are you going?' Eddie whisper yelled to her.

When she entered the other room she told him to close the door.

Which he did in a matter of a second trying to walk towards her again.

'No no' Lilly said out loud.

'You might wanna keep your voice down Lilith.' Eddie said pointing towards the bathroom.

'Why I locked it? Do you really think Steve would come here and tell me to shut up?

It should be the other way around.' Lilly said

Eddie's face had question marks written all over his face.

And he shivered.

'Look around.' Lilly said while grabbing a clean towel out of her closet.

And throwing it towards Eddie.

Eddie grabbed the towel and did as she said and looked around.

The room was filled with Led Zeppelin , Star wars posters.

A skate board was standing against the side of the door.

'Look at the photo on the bedside table.' Lilly said while searching through the closet.

Eddie rolled over the bed and picked up the picture.

It was a picture of Lilly and her mom.

'Is this ... ? ' Eddie turned around to look at Lilly.

'My room?' Lilly answered standing up straight from the closet holding a really big tshirt.

She walked over to the bathroom and turned on the shower.

'Jep.' Lilly said when she came back.

'My mom and Steve's dad are kinda dating.' Lilly said looking at Eddie.

Something really big lifted from Eddie's shoulders.

'So...' Eddie said putting the picture back.

' So... Steve is basically my stepbrother.' Lilly said as she walked out of the room and left Eddie confused as always but also really relieved.

Lilly came back a few moments later holding a shirt of Steve.

'Come here you're cold. ' Lilly said

'Sorry?' Eddie said.

'Jesus christ Eddie. You're freezing and you're probably just gonna go on with your day, and I'm not letting you leave till you had a shower and you're not cold.' Lilly said crossing her arms.

'But..' Eddie said almost stuttering.

'Go shower now..' Lilly said


To which Eddie complied and took the shirt and walked in the bathroom.

He closed the door and Lilly heard him step under the shower. 

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