Chapter 28: What the fuck Eddie ?

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I'm so sorry i haven't uploaded it was such a horrible time at work, but now I have a 2 week vacation :D

Loveyou cuties♥


Lilly woke up.She looked at her alarm clock and it was giving around 10 AM.But she was alone in her bed. and when Lilly stood up to check her window it was still open. Or he didn't bother to close it or Eddie wasn't here last night.Lilly had waited till 1am before she was almost angry that he wasn't there.

She couldn't call their telephone because they didn't have one in the trailer. So she took a shower and took her skateboard to go to family video. Steve was working with Robin and Lilly needed to talk with someone.She put her headphones on and clicked on play

*Back in black by AC/DC started playing*

She didn't know what to feel. He seemed so genuine about her, and now he didn't show up after his fucking drug deal. Maybe he just fell asleep, they did put on a fucking number before she left. Lilly shook her head and wanted to think about other things.

She skated up to family video 'And then Vicki laughed. And it wasn't like a cheap, fake laugh either.' Lilly hear Robin say as she entered the store. Both Robin and Steve were looking at her. Lilly smiled.

'I need to hear this to go the fuck on!' Lilly said with a smile. 'It was like.. it was a real, genuine laugh.' Robin continued.'Of course she laughed Robin, it's my muppet joke. it's hilarious.' Steve answered while putting some tapes away.'My point is that Vicki laughed and everything was just like.. It was perfect.' Robin said.

'But?' Lilly and Steve said at the same time.

'But i'm having this problem where it's like, i should stop talking.I have said everything i need to say.But then i guess i get nervous, and the words keep spilling out, and it's like brain is moving faster than my mouth, or .. or rather my mouth is moving faster than my brain..And it's like im digging this hole for myself, and i wanna stop digging, i'm trying to stop, but i can't...'

Steve and Lilly were looking at each other with a smirk before Lilly stood next to Steve as the both of them crossed their arms and waited for Robin to realise.'And i'm doing it right now arent I?' Robin asked. 'Yeah, kinda..' Lily said'Yeah you are.' Steve said at the same time.

Robin walked with her back to the wall bumping into the wall. 'I'm hopeless.' Robin brought out.Steve walked after her and bumped into the wall too.'We both are.' Steve said 'If only we could just like , combine' Robin suddenly said.'Combine?' Steve asked confused.'No think about it.I know exactly what i want, and i've found the girl of my dreams, but i just can't get the courage to ask her out.'Steve nodded.'Meanwhile, you go on a million dates.And you have no idea what you want.' 'Hmmmm.' Steve answered.

Lilly had jumped up on the counter to inspect the two best friends. 'So if we just combined, all our problems would be solved.' Robin explained.'Because , i mean alone, let's face it...' Robin brought up.'We totally suck.' Steve agreed and answerd 'Totally and utterly.' Robin agreed.

'If we could just be you Lills.' Robin said as she walked forward.'You come here and in like month time you're almost dating the town drug dealer who will do anything for you.' Robin said. 'Anything' She said again.To which Steve rolled his protective eyes.

'Not so sure about that tho.' Lilly said looking at her feet. 'Hey what happened? do I need to kick his ass?Because i will.'  Steve said as he walked forward to Lilly.

'We know how that goes.' Robin said with a chuckle before being concerned for Lilly and walking towards her.'We had the greatest night last night. But he had this one job.. And after the job he was coming over to talk a bit more serious about everything at home..' Lilly said looking at Steve not wanting him to freak out.

'Lils, I know he's been coming over almost every other night.' Steve said crossing his arms. Lilly let out a chuckle. 'Well guess we were not that subtle then.' Lilly said laughing a little.'But he never fucking came, I woke up this morning and there was nothing he didn't even close the window like he normally does so he wasn't there at all.Lilly sighed.

'Maybe you're just overreacting and he just fell asleep.' Steve tried to lighten up the mood. 'Maybe you should just check on him, he's probably still sleeping..' Robin said while patting Lilly's back. 'You're right..I'm just making up scenarios in my head now, he's just sleeping.' Lilly said facepalming herself.They all had coffee which Lilly had picked up from the store next door. She saw a few police officers who were getting beeped up by their walkie talkies and were off in a second. Lilly jumped off the counter and threw her cup away.

'I'm gonna go to the trailerpark to see him.' Lilly said with a smile. 'And dunk a bucket of water on his head if he's still sleeping.' Steve said while playing back a tape. 'Will do.' Lilly said as she left the store.

She put on her headphones and Iron maiden with 2 minutes to midnight started playing.

And she took her skateboard and was off to the trailerpark. 'I know what's gonna be our morning movie!' Robin said as she ran towards a shelf.'Doctor Zhivago.' Robin said.'Ah come on Robin you know i don't do double VHS'Steve said as he walked towards Robin.'But it's about doomed love.' Robin dissagreed.'Oh well thats relatable.' Steve said.'Precisely.''Also, Julie Christie is b-b-bonkers hot in this.' Robin said. 'Like seriously , the most beautiful creature I have ever seen in my life.' Robin said as she clicked on the tv.'We're in the forest hills traielr park in east Roane county.We don't have a lot of details now, but we can confirm that the body of a hawkins high student was discovered earlier this morning.Police have not released the name..' 'Holy fuck.' Robin and Steve said.'That's Eddie's trailer Robin.' Steve brought out.'How would you know?' Robin asked him'I brought Lilly there a few times. I need to fucking get her.' Steve said

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