Chapter 22: A substitute

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Lucas was having this big basketball tournament on Saturdaynight.

Which fell directly on the same evening as the hell fire club's last get together before Mike was going to his girlfriend in California.

And what probably would be the last hell fire club 'cult of vecna' Dnd session.

Eddie was furious and told Dustin and Mike to find another substitute for Lucas.

Which they were trying to do.

Mike was running around the school asking his sister Nancy.

Who had been turning him down directly because she was so so busy with the school news paper.

Dustin was on the phone calling family video.

'Just move your date this one time!' Dustin was telling in the phone.

'Come the fuck on.'

'What, to hang out with you and Eddie ' the freak' Munson? ' Steve replied.

'I hear about him plenty the last 2 weeks so please.'

'Uh, yeah, I'll pas.' Steve said.

'You're just jealous cause I have another older male friend.' Dustin said proudly in the phone.

'ew. Ugh Whatever.' Steve replied.

'Besides, I mean , I really dig this girl.

I think she could..

Who knows maybe she could be the one.

Oh, I got some customers, call you back bye.' Steve said as he hung up the phone.

'No you can't I'm at.. ' Dustin said but Steve had hung up.

'school.' Dustin said as he walked away from the phone putting up his middle fingers.

'What was that?' Lilly said laughing as she put down her headphones walking to Dustin

'Steve.' Dustin replied while rolling his eyes.

'I know right, he's being an ass the last couple of days.' Lilly said with a smile to Dustin.

'You're telling me.' Dustin replied but a small smile appeared on his face.

'Oh wait there's Max!' Dustin replied as he ran over to Max.

Lilly walked after him.

She was looking around when she saw Chrissy looking around and walking to her.

'Hey..' Chrissy started.

'Hey! You feeling a bit better?' Lilly asked her putting a hand on her shoulder.

'Yeah I'm fine now, but it happends every now and then, they call it anxiety?' Chrissy said not really believing her own words.

'But euh, what happened to Jason?' she said looking up.

Lilly saw the glinster in her eyes so she knew Chrissy could laugh about it.

'Yeah it was kinda weird, he didn't really believe I would come to him for you, and started talking smack about me.' Lilly explained.

'So..' Lilly said raising her eyebrow and trying to look innocent.

Chrissy smiled.

'Damn, he's so nice to me, but he can act like a real prick to other people.' Chrissy said scratching the back of her head.

'But I think Eddie is waiting for you, you can just cross the tracks behind the school and follow the pad to the small woods.' Lilly said pointing.

'It's fine, he's cool.' Lilly said reassuring throwing her forward so she could bind it up in a ponytail.

To which Chrissy's mouth fell open.

'Lilly omg!' she said as she took a step closer.

'What even is this a murderscene?' she said looking up to meet Lilly's gaze.

'I promise he does that only to me.' Lilly said pulling her hands up in self defense.

'Also don't tell anyone I just said that.

I'm here a month I don't need to reputation drug dealer girlfriend.' She said with a smile.

'Freak is good enough.'

To which Chrissy genuinely laughed as she gave Lilly a hug and walked away towards the place Lilly had told her about.

Lilly walked after Dustin who was talking to Max.

'If I play do I get one of those cool t-shirts?' Max said to Dustin.

It looked like she was really excited and Dustin was getting really happy to.

But the sarcasm was falling of of Max and Lilly noticed that trying to hold in her laugh.

'Yes!' Dustin said excitingly

'Really?' Max replied now the sarcasm was dripping of of her.

'Everyone gets a T-shirt.

We make 'em ourselves, and if you.. ' Dustin stopped mid sentence.

'You're being sarcastic.' Dustin said.

To which Lilly busted out in laughter and Max high fived her and went off with her skateboard.

Lilly and Dustin sat down at the entrance of the school.

'I hate high school.' Mike said as he joined them.

'What's the matter guys? Tell me.' Lilly dropped on them.

And they both told the story about Eddie telling them to find a substitute.

'Damn he really is pyscho.' Lilly said shaking her head.

She stood in front of the two.

Dustin was looking her up and down.

'Isn't that Eddie's tshirt?' Dustin suddenly asked.

'What? No don't be ridiculous..' Lilly said waving it off.

'I love Black Sabbath, I bought it myself.' She said crossing her arms.

'And those bruises in your neck.' Mike said.

'Nancy had them all the time when Jonathan was still around.' Mike said as the both of them jumped up.

'Lilly is there something you're not telling us.' Dustin said as he raised his eyebrow to her.

Lilly let out a big sigh.

'ugh whatever.' She started.

'You guys are way to smart.

But yes, Eddie and I are kinda seeing each other.' Lilly said softly.

'But don't tell him I told you that.

Then these won't be the last I'd be having to hide from my mom.' Lilly said as she pointed to her neck.

'But Lilly didn't you tell us you used to play DnD?' Dustin said his arms crossed a smirk on his face.

To which rolled her head back

'Ugh fine.' She said

'But don't tell him yet, I want it to be a surprise..' Lilly said with a smirk.

'I need to go tho.' Lilly said as she saw Robin coming up.

'See you tomorrow guys.' Lilly said smiling as they walked away. 

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