Chapter 32: Hawkins is cursed.

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'You never fucking told her?' Dustin said spinning around towards Steve and Robin.'Well I was hoping it was over.. I'm not gonna put that on her.' Steve argued back.

To which Dustin sighed and said 'Okay, listen up.You know how people say Hawkins is... cursed?' Dustin asked the both of them.

'I don't know i just moved here.' Lilly shot at him in a fast reply.But Eddie nodded.To which Lilly moved her head back to Dustin.

'They're not ... wayh off..' he said.'There's another world.A world hidden beneath Hawkins.Sometimes it bleeds into ours.' Dustin explained.

Lilly was flabbergasted her mouth hanging open a little just listening to Dustin.'Like ghosts and shit?' Eddie asked Dustin.

'There are some things.' Max added looking to the ground.'worse than ghosts.'

Lilly grabbed Eddie's hand again. She didn't know what the think of this shit. Normally she would have just laughed in Dustin's face but after this whole Chrissy thing she wasn't so sure she would be laughing right now.

'These monsters from this other world.. we thought they were gone..but they've come back before, That's why we needed to find you. ' Dustin said to Eddie.

'If they're back again, we need to know.' Max added to Dustin story. 'That night..' Robin started.'Did you see anything?' 'Dark particles maybe?' Max suggested.Eddie just shook his head to them.

he was just as flabbergasted as Lilly.'It would almost look like dust, swirling dust.' Dustin added to Max her suggestion.'No man, there was nothing you could see, or uh... touch.' Eddie answered.

It was silent for a while. When Eddie suddenly said.'You know i tried to wake her, man.. She couldn't move.. It was like she... she was in a trance or something.. ' Eddie tried explaining what he saw.

'Or under a spell.' Lilly suggested. To which Dustins face turned to Lilly.'A curse.' 'Vecna's curse.' Dustin said to the both of them.'Who's Vecna.' Steve asked.'An undead creature of great power.' Dustin answered.'A spell caster.' Eddie added.'A dark wizard.' Lilly added to the both of them.

'Okay we need a game plan.' Lilly said as she let go of Eddie's hand and stood up.'I don't want to leave Eddie her alone, but My mom and your dad are going to freak if we don't come home tonight.' Lilly said to Steve.

'We can't stay here, Same goes for all your parents especially after what happened. So let's say we make it as comfy as possible for Eddie here and bring him food tomorrow.Because the store are closed already.' Lilly said.

Dustin nodded. 'But do we have a key to the house?' Steve asked. Lilly walked over to a side of the boathouse and rummaged a little. 'The key is over here.' Eddie said as he stood up and took the key.

'Come on, let me make you something to eat.' Lilly said as she took the key and she opened the door looking outside it was starting to get real dark and she ran over to the house. Everyone was slowly but surely following her. She unlocked the door and walked inside.

'Steve and Dustin check the attic for a hiding place for Eddie, if shit goes south we need to hide him.' Lilly said as she walked over to the kitchen checking if there was gas. 'Good.' she added.'Max check for something to eat what isn't over the experation date.'

'Robin go close all the curtains.' she ordered and they were all gone. Leaving only Eddie and her in the kitchen.Lilly was turned towards the drawers looking for pots and pans to cook in. When she felt a pair of arms around her waist. 'I'm so sorry princess.' Eddie said really soft. She spun around and took him in a embrace.

'It's all right this was not something we both planned. But we will get out of it okay?' Lilly said as she loosened the hug a little putting her thumb on his cheek and softly stroking a bit of chocolate of a candy bar he had eaten away.she gave him a peck on the nose.

When she heard Max coming back.'I found some cans with mac and cheese.' Max said as she was holding 3 cans.'That's fine for now.Thanks Max!' Lilly said as she pulled a pan out of a drawer. She asked Eddie for a lighter and lit the stove.

'Okay Max can u check on that? I'm going to find Eddie some place to sleep tonight.' Lilly said as she looked at Max.Who nodded and Lilly ran upstairs she saw it was a fold in stairs to the attic. 'Oh that's great ! Steve help me with this matress.' Lilly said as she found a bed in a room. Eddie came upstairs.

'Let me help princess.' Eddie said as he walked towards the room as Steve came down the stairs of the attic. And he looked at Eddie who had his back to him.'Princess?' He mouthed to Robin who came upstairs to help to. Robin shrugged.'Kinda cute.' She mouthed back.

Lilly ran back downstairs to get cushion and the blankets they had used for the date they had here.And when she came back upstairs they were busy trying to get the matrass up to the attic.'Robin can u check if Max is done with the food? and bring some plates upstairs, i think it's the best if we even eat up in the attic then there's no movement in the house if someone comes by.' Lilly said.

'Damn its almost like you did this before Lilly.' Dustin said as he went after Robin trying to help. When the matrass was in the attic both Steve and Eddie let themselves fall on it. 'God dammnit that thing is fucking heavy.' Steve cursed.'You tell me man.' Eddie answered.

When Max, Robin and Dustin came back with plates for everyone they all ate mac and cheese together.And after that they did the dishes.

Lilly stayed up in the attic with Eddie. She made the bed for him. 'See not so bad right?' She said with a soft smile.'Thanks Lilith.' Eddie said as she hugged her from behind. 'Also for believing me..' Eddie added. Lilly turned towards him.'It's okay, we're going to prove your innocence all is it the last thing I do.' Lilly said looking up in his eyes.'But you need to go home okay?Before your mum gets worried.' Eddie said as he kissed her. 'Thank the others for me.' Eddie said as Lilly nodded at him and left and joined the others downstairs.

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