Chapter 64: Fresh air

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OH MY GOD I"M SO SORRY!!! The curly haired boy from the last update was supposed to be Dustin.. ;__; 

It's been two more weeks. And finally Lilly was allowed to leave the hospital. When the first rays of sunshine came through the window. She sat up in her bed and got the small bedside mirror and her makeup bag. Lilly wanted to leave the hospital so bad. She had been allowed to visit Max her room a few times and she had read her favorite story's to her. And saying how sorry she was for putting her in a posistion like this.But today she was allowed to sleep in her own bed again. And see the outside for the first time after a month.

She put on her eyeliner with thick black lines. Making a huge wing. She also applied her mascara, and even worked on her brows for a little while. When she was happy with herself she started on her hair. Lilly sectioned her hair in two halves. The lower part she let loose.The high part she started to Dutch braids a few locks on the side to join in the bun on the top of her head. Then for her bangs she combed them and slid them nicely to the side.

After she was done she took a deep breath and slowly threw her legs to the side of the bed.She could walk small distances but dressing alone was still a bit of a struggle. But before she could stand on her feet she heard the door open and Nancy, Steve and Robin barged in. 'Wait.' Steve said. 'Elizabeth Rose Johnson is up before nine?' He asked mocking her. Which earned him the pillow of her bed to his head.But he catched it.

'No i'm just joking, are you excited?' He asked her. Nancy walked over to her closet looking at something nice to wear.Robin was looking over her shoulder.'You need something easy, but those joggers you have been wearing are the worst.' Nancy said.'No offense.' She added.Lilly rolled her eyes but let Nancy do whatever she wanted. 'You look nice? are you going somewhere?' Robin said as she climbed on the back of the bed. 'I wanted to leave the hospital in style.' Lilly said with her usually cocky smile. She had become a bit of the shock in the upside down.No one had ripped one word about Eddie.

Lilly didn't dare to start the conversation because she didn't want to hear the official words of his death.Dustin had ignored the matter too.When Nancy came around with something to wear she frowned.'A skirt? really?' Lilly sighed.'You need something quick, and you only have jeans and these overals.' Nancy explained.'You can wear whatever t-shirt you want though.' Robin added. 'The iron maiden one please.' Lilly said. It was Eddie's big oversized shirt so it was huge on her. But she could push it in her skirt. They pushed Steve out of the room and they helped Lilly dress.

She was wearing the big iron maiden shirt, with a green/black checkered skirt.they put her in her black dr. Martens.She was happy with all the help she got from her amazing friends.When they were done Robin looked at her hands.'They look way better now..' she said.'Yeah the stitches and wounds are almost gone, only this spot remains. 'Lilly said it was a burn scar on her thumb to the palm of her hand.'Looks kinds bad ass if you ask me.' Robin said as she gave her her leather jacket.Nancy had let Steve back in. 'You okay with your scar showing like that?' Steve asked her carefully.Because of the skin transplant in her side they used skin from her thigh. The scar was till her knee so only a little part was showing.

'Yeah it's fine, it's something i gotta learn to live with so why not today.' Lilly said as she walked over to Steve. He threw his arm around her to support her in her walk towards the desk from the nurses.There was a huge thank you basket in the middle of the table behind the desk.And when the nurses saw Lilly stumble towards them with Steve and Nancy and Robin with the three bags of her stuff they all jumped forward to give her a hug. Hoping that she would be okay, and to thank her for the basket.

Steve his dad had sent an enourmess basket of fruit, chocolates and all kinds of other stuff.After Lilly thanked everyone for their help and she would come visit them sometimes because of Max anyway, they went to Steve's car.

They parked Lilly in front and Nancy and Robin jumped in the back.Steve gave her a small bag.'You can be master of music today my lady.' He said while making a movement with his hand like he was bowing to her.Lilly rolled her eyes but started digging through the music. After thirty seconds of rummaging through the bag she noticed that it was mostly rock and metal music and that Steve didn't listen to any of that.She was digging in Eddie's music bag.Which made her gulp for a second before taking a deep breath and pulling out a queen tape and she pushed it in the player.

Don't stop me now started playing.

Steve had started the car and they were driving off the hospital parking place.'Lills, we need to talk to you about some things.' Nancy started.'Hawkins is a huge mess, so be prepared.' Nancy said. 'Our house is fine though.' Steve added.'Most of our houses are.' Robin said.'but the library and the trailer park are almost finito.' she added.

'We're also not going home just yet..' Nancy added.'You need to talk with some people from the goverment.'

'But they're on our side.' Robin told her to calm her down.'You also need to meet a few people..You know their names but you haven't met them yet.' Steve also explained.Lilly let out a deep sigh. And she saw her heart shaped sunglasses laying on the top of Steve's dashboard.She grabbed them and put them on.'Well what are we waiting for.' she told them.

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