Chapter 50: The Wheeler house.

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The five of them came safely to the Wheeler house.Nancy broke open the door and they all barged in.'Watch out for the vines.' Lilly said as she grabbed Robin by her jacket and pulled her back.'I think it's time you get a maid Nance..' Lilly said trying to lighten up the mood.'Come on. I don't want to stay here longer than we have to.' Nancy said as she went upstairs followed put by everyone.When Lilly was on the stairs she heard something faint. She went back to the hallway to see if she could hear it again.

It were voices and when she listened better it were familiar voices.'Dustin.' She breathlesly said.Upstairs Nancy took a box out of her closet and both Eddie and Robin followed her every step.While Steve was turning around to not see Lilly.He went downstairs again to find Lilly listening intensly.She didn't move she didn't say anything.Lilly just made the hand motion for him to come closer and listen.

When Nancy opened the box there was no gun.Only a pair of shoes.'Those arent guns.' Eddie said pointing to the box.'These heels are a bit pointy but iw as hoping for a little bit more of a deadly projectile.' Robin said.

'I... I don't understand.' Nancy said as she was staring at the box.'Maybe you lef them somewhere else?' Eddie suggested.'There's a six year old in the house.I know where i keep my guns.' Nancy snapped to him fastly.To which Eddie put his hands up in defense.

'Also.. I threw these away years ago.' Nancy said looking at the shoes.She then looked over her desk when she saw a chemistry book and a stack of cards.Nancy took the cards and started to run through them.Both Robin and Eddie exchanged a look.

'I.. I get that grades are important to you, but perhaps studying can wait till we get back?' Robin suggested.Nancy was still going through the cards.'These are from sophomore chemistry.' Nancy said putting the cards down.She looked around the room.'And this... This is old wallpaper.' Nancy continued as she walked around her room.'And this mirror went to a yard sale..And you... you're not supposed to be here.' Nancy said picking up a stuffed animal. 'No.. I gave you to cousin Joanna two years ago.'

She then walked to the nightstand next to the bed and saw her journal.Nancy started going through it.She suddenly stopped her mouth hanging a bit open.'What is it?' Eddie said while standing next to Robin.The both of them as confused as ever.'Nancy.. you're freaking me out.' Robin admitted.Nancy stood there for at least ten more seconds silent.'I think the reason that my guns aren't here..Is because... they don't excist yet..' Nancy said with breaks in between.

'They don't.... exist?' Eddie asked her.Nancy turned around to them.'This diary should be full of entries.. it's not.The last entry in November 6th, 1983.' Nancy spoke.'The day Will went missing.' Nancy spoke to them.'The day the gate opened....We're in the past..' she said ending her story. she turned around and put the diary back.You could see that she was thinking.

When Lilly entered the room.'Guys... I think you wanna see this..' She spoke looking at them seriously.When suddenly they all heard Steve yell.'DUSTIN!!Dustin!!Dustin??' and they all ran down the stairs.To find Steve yell beneath the lamp in the hallway.

'Dustin! Can you hear me??' It was looking horribly stupid to see Steve walking around the lamp trying to get Dustin's attention who was not even with them.'Maybe he really does had rabies.' Robin said turning his head to him.'What are you doing?' Nancy asked.Lilly who stood behind Eddie walked over to Steve.'Sshhh!' she said hitting him in the back of the head.'He's here. Henderson.That little shit, he's here. He's like..He's like in the walls or something' Steve was excited and really happy.But it just confused the others.Lilly was looking at him with and sighed.

'Okay so. When everyone went upstairs i heard something talk it was faint, but it was there.And When i came closer I could hear it was Dustin.Steve came over and he was sure it was Dustin.Just listen, he's always talking so i'm sure we will hear him.' Lilly explained as they all shut up.Lilly turned around and walked towards the kitchen.Nancy, Eddie and Robin were looking at them like they were crazy.'Maybe that water poisoned them for being to long in it.' Robin suggested.When suddenly the heard Dustin's voice.

In a matter of seconds everyone was yelling Dustin's name and trying to find him.'Okay. Either this kid can't hear us or he's being a total douchebag.' Steve said pulling his hands through his hair in frustration.'Will found a way.' Nancy then said thinking hard.'What?' Lilly asked.'Will, he found a way to communicate with lights to reach Joyce.' Nancy said as she was off trying to find any lights that worked.Lilly nodded and started to try all the lights she saw.Flicking switched trying to turn lights on.

'It's not working!!' Lilly said angrily.When suddenly Eddie was shining with the flashlight on the big chandelier in the hallway. 'Guys..' Eddie said.'You seeing this?' He said while walking towards the chandelier.Lilly walked towards it.There was some sort off sparkle around it.It looked really dark orange almost red. And when she reached for the lamp she felt her fingers tingle.There was some kind of spark around her hands.'Oh my god.' She said.

'Woa..' Eddie said as they all gathered around Lilly. And when she pulled her hand away slowlythe lights were dozing off a little.'Let's all try it.. maybe they can see it.' Lilly said as they all put their hands up slowly reaching the lamp.'It.... it tickles..' Steve said'It kinda feels good...' Robin said.When Nancy pulled her hand away.'Does anyone know morse code?' She asked them

'No...' Steve and Robin replied. 'Wait.. does Sos count?' Eddie asked'Is.. Is that good?' he replied to himself.'That would be wonderful.' Lilly said as she sneaked up beneath his arm.Eddie reached his arm up starting to make the sos morse sign.The talking on the other side went on for a while.

When it suddenly got quiet.'It's working.' Lilly said proudly.She stood a bit further away from them.When she heard Dustin's faint voice.'Do you remember i told you they weren't stupid enough to go through water gate?'A muffled answer could be heard.'I overestimated them.' Dustin said.
'Stupid little shit, it's not like we had a choice.' Lilly bit.

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