Chapter 51: Lightbox

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'It wasn't our choice Steve got sucked in by a tentacle.' Lilly said huffing.Eddie had stopped making the SOS sign but he kept his hand in the light to show them we were still there.

'Guys. Go to Nancy's room.' Dustin said before it went silent.'The fuck we just came from there.' Robin said a little annoyed.'The prick got a plan.' Lilly said she was already on the stairs.'Lets goooo!' she said as they all jumped after her.On the other side.

Lucas ran into the living room and pulled the plug of the lightbox Holly was playing with out of the contact.Dustin then proceeded to get in and took the box from Holly.'Hey!' the blonde six year old said.Before Erica came in and gave her a bag of chips'For you understanding.' She saidThe three of them flew upstairs to Nancy's room.And put the box on Nancy's bed.They all started to put the small coloured nails in the box as fast as they could.'Plug it in.' Dustin said as Erica plugged the plug in.

The five in the upside down all sat in front of Nancy's bed. Lilly in front.As she hear Dustin speak to the others. 'Okay you guys seeing this?' he almost yelled.So he was on normal level volume in the upside down.There was some sort of lamp put in front of them sparks getting of of it.'Oh my god it's Holly's lightbox.' Nancy spoke.'That kid is a genious.' Lilly said as she put her hand forward and moved with her hand alongside the box.'Holyshit!' Dustin's reaction went. 'We're not moving it, we're just unplugging.' Dustin then said.'Yank it.' He told Erica and she did.

The box was now off and the sparkles were gone in the upside down.'Try it now!' Dustin then told them.'But how does it work now..' Robin said 'We don't know anymore Morse code.' Steve added.'Wait.' Lilly said as she started making the letter H.And next to it an I.

'Hi!!' She heard excitedly on the other side. To which she smirked proudly.'It worked!!' Dustin said.To which they all were hugging each other excitedly.Eddie kissed the top of Lilly's head smirking. Lilly was thinking about what to write nextTo which she simply started with an S then a T an U followed by a C And a K'Stuck.' It sounded on the other side it was softer this time but they got it.' We are..' Robin said.'Oh !! i know , They're stuck in the upside down.' Lucas voice was heard.

'Okay okay.' Dustin replied'Uhhh.. you can't get back through watergate?' Dustin asked.'What's a watergate?' Steve asked.'Cause it's water and a gate?' Robin said mockingly'Oh.' Steve replied getting it.'That's kinda cute.' Eddie said.

To which Lilly replied with G U A R D E DFollowed by a small drawing of a bat. To which she was rather proud.'A bat?' Erica's voice was heard.'It's a no then.' Dustin said.'Uhh okay! We think we have a theory that can help with that.' Dustin said.

'Genius child.' Robin said'We think Watergate isn't the only gate.' Dustin started.'That there is a gate at every murder site.' 'Does anybody understand what he's talking about?' Robin asked the group.'I think i know but he's got be clearer.' Lilly said as she just drawed a question mark.

'Okay seriously?How many times do I have to be right on the money before you guys just trust me!' he exclaimed.'Jesus Christ this kid's gotta get his ego in check.' Steve said.'It's his tone right?' Eddie said leaning forward to meet Steve's gaze.To which the both of them smirked.

Lilly rolled her eyes before she started writing.'E D D I E' Lilly started to spell out his name.'I'm right here sweetheart no need to write my name.' Eddie said.'Ssshht.' Nancy said as she thought she got what Lilly was aiming to.'T R A I L E R ?' Lilly wrote.'YES' Was that Dustin said. 'Who was it? Nancy? Lilly?' He said.

'Nevermind but yes Eddie's Trailer!' Dustin exclaimed.'That kinda stings.' Steve said both Eddie and Robin nodded in agreement.'Okay.. How many miles is your house from here?' Lilly said turning herself to Eddie.'Uh i say seven miles?' Eddie said'Give or take?' he added.'Okay.' Lilly said

'Nancy?' Robin asked.'I.. I know your house is like competely frozen in like time and shit, but didn't you always have bikes?' She asked. To which Nancy's face lit up.She ran downstairs followed by Steve and Robin.Lilly sat back writing'G O I N G N O W' before standing up.Eddie was waiting for her at the door and she walked over to him.

'God you're so smart.' Eddie praised her.'Never thought i'd dig that.' He added while she poked his side.Eddie cramped up a little so she could plant a kiss on his lips. He fastly returned the favor.

'Guys come on.' Steve stood on the staircase rolling his eyes.To which Lilly smirked and she jumped off the stairs.Nancy and Robin stood in the garage were four bikes were parked.'We only have four.' Robin said. 'Nancy can go piggy back ride with Steve.' Lilly said as she fastly grabbed a bike.'Agreed.' Both Robin and Eddie said as they also took a bike and walked outside.They all took off on their bikes as Eddie led the way towards the trailer park.Nancy had jumped up on the back of Steve's bike and they were off to.

After a while they came around a corner Lilly actually knew. It was the house she and Steve both lived in. It was gigantic and completely covered by vines. She got a chill on her spine thinking about that she was actually living in that house and she would love to get back into her cozy bed.But it wasn't even excising in this world.

After a while of biking, they heard some screeching they all directly faced the way they heard it coming from.It was dark but the sky was bright red from the lightning and thunder.Hundred's of bats were flying over the huge house that was beneath that.'Viktor kreel's house.' Nancy whispered as they all nodded and went as fast as they could out of there.

After another while of biking they entered the trailer park. And they all jumped of their bikes right in front of Eddie's trailer. It was covered in vines.'How are we going to get in.' Lilly said looking around the trailer.'Home sweet home.' Eddie said before putting the bike down.'It's gotta be a Guinness World Record.Most miles traveled interdimensionaly.' Robin said as that made all of them grin at her.

Steve was coughing. 'I just inhaled a bunch of that crap he said as he clicked on his flashlight.' 'It's stuck in my throat.' he added coughing again.

Lilly was walking around the trailer when she saw Eddie's window open. The others were trying the front door but it was locked.she climbed through it and saw the same red gate like in the water but on the ceiling of Eddie's trailer. After a few seconds she walked to the door when she heard.'Where the fuck is Lilith?' Eddie said looking around.Lilly opened the door.'at your service.' she said with a salute letting everyone in. they all walked in and Steve closed the door of the trailer.

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