Arc. 1 Chapter 2: Arthur Inoas

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Heeeeeellloo there!~
I'm here with another chapter since I'm overly motivated!~ (and of course not since I have nothing else to do x3x)
Enjoy reading!~
(btw, Edwin will be called Arthur later in this chapter and after that for the rest of this arc.~)

3rd Person POV:

Edwin woke up having a terrible headache. Memories flooded into his mind that weren't his, causing him pain beyond words. But luckily, this pain did not last long.

He was now in the body of Arthur Ionas. He's 21 years old and apparently the childhood friend of the Villain..., and the cause for his demise, as he knows by taking a quick peek at the story synopsis before his eyes.

Arthur was actually an orphan. The Villain and the original met when the Villain himself was at the orphanage. The Villain grew up there with him. The original approached him first.
At first, Richard, which is the name of our Villain, ignored him. But Arthur was persistent, eventually gaining his friendship. Since then, these two were always bound to each other, until Richard's father picked him up, which was when he was 12.
The original was 11 back then and cried a lot. He only stopped crying when Richard promised him that he would find him again, but afterward the original waited for a long time. But once he turned 18, he couldn't wait any longer, since he got kicked out of the orphanage.
But he was lucky, since he was really smart and always had perfect grades and also suberb computer skills, it earned him a scholarship at a famous school overseas. And right now, he was sitting on his bed at the little apartment he purchased by earning a bit money with tutoring and selling information through hacking. He was apparently almost done with school, since he's a genius, and determined to find his childhood friend.

"So.. Let me guess pancake, I have to reunite them again and so on?", Edwin, now Arthur, asked.

{Yes Edwin. Here are your tasks}

He heard a {Ding!} sound and another screen appeared next to the story.

{Main Task: Ensure the Villain avoids his story death [Reward 500 points]

Side Tasks:
1. Ensure Arthur and Richard meet again [Reward 10 coins]
2. Help the Villain find happiness and let him live a long life [Reward 20 coins]
3. Find out who Arthur's parents are [Reward 35 coins]
4. Unmask the Female Lead [Reward 50 coins]}

Arthur smiles a bit. "I see... These were his regrets when he died.. Now for the story..", he mumbles and looks at the other screen.

The Story starts when the Male and Female Lead meet each other at a school party hosted by the principal's son, since they attended the same school together. The Male Lead was there with his older brother, since his elder brother practically urged him to take him there.
Of course, with malicious intentions. But since the elder brother was there, the Female Lead knew who he was almost immediately once she saw them. The Illegitimate Son of the Rede Family. She secretly smirked.
Since she couldn't get the older son, she'll have to try and get this kid instead. And that's when everything started. She tried to get him with everything she got and got rid of everything in her way. The cannon fodder Arthur was one of those. He had, a few months later, just come back from overseas to search for Richard. He started working for a company under the Rede Family afterward, which was his demise.
The Male Lead noticed his talents and started wanting to get him on his 'side' while the inheritance war was ongoing, which happened about another two months after he started working there. But because of his extremely beautiful face and talents, Jonas, the male lead, praised him a bit too much in front of Lily, the Female Lead.
So she got jealous, since this world is so open about homosexual people, even discrimination is almost nonexistent. She framed him for so many things. Arthur couldn't do anything, since even with his hacking skills, he couldn't find any evidence for his innocence. He didn't know that Lily had an even better hacker behind her, that was why she succeeded.
The Male Lead knows someone dangerous, so he had him tortured and killed. Arthur's 'Crimes' were: Selling secrets to competitors, almost 'drugging' The Female Lead and of course sexually harassing the Female Lead. It took another year for Richard to find out what really happened, and in that time, the male lead became a bigger fish both in the business world and in the underworld. Of course, Richard was still powerful, but in the end he ultimately lost and also got killed with the combined efforts of the leads. They lived happily ever after, got married, beat the brother to the inheritance and had children.}

Arthur couldn't help but sigh at this plot. "Poor fellow..", he said and rubbed his forehead. He closed the window and started thinking. 'Today is the day of the party, so I still have some time to correct things. I don't have to be near that bi*** to unmask her, so I should not go to that company. I should find one under Richard and go there. It would be easier to meet him then, since he can find me easily inside 'his territory'. The original didn't know who he is right now but I do, thanks to the information provided by Pancake. Okay. Let's do this.', he stood up but was immediately hit by dizziness, which surprised him. 'Hey pancake, what's wrong?', he asked while leaning against the wall.

{Edwin, this body is not healthy due to malnutrition. He mostly stayed indoors and ate unhealthy food, so he was not fit. There's a pill in the store you can buy for 100 coins to strengthen this body's health and looks, but you should take it while showering}, the system anwered him.

Arthur nodded cautiously, to not make the dizziness worse, and made his way to the bathroom using the memories he had just gained. Once he arrived, he immediately but cautiously took off his clothes and got under the shower head. After getting the right temperature, he said "Give me the pill", and heard a {Ding!} sound right after.

{Host purchased the Beauty & Health pill for 100 coins. You have 400 left. The pill will immediately be placed inside your mouth, please be ready.}

Right after he heard what the system said, he had a bitter taste in his mouth and frowned. But he ate the pill, waiting afterwards and wondering what will happen next. After a few minutes, he started sweating black sweat, which immediately got washed away by the running water. stank like shit. He continued sweating black for 5 minutes before it stopped. He started washing himself right after to get rid of the lingering smell.

Afterwards he dryed himself and looked in the mirror. He was stunned. Looking back at him was a stunning young man with shining blonde hair, different from the dirty blond he saw in the profile. His eyes were beautiful golden with no eyebags left. His skin was still pale, but it didn't look unhealthy anymore.

He touched it and was amazed how soft it was. He smirked with a bit of a mischievous hint in his eyes. "Damn, I hope the male lead won't fall for me instead, should we ever meet. This boy is goddamn beautiful.", he said and put the used clothes in the washer. He then walked to his room, put on some clothes and started the computer. 'Okay.. Let's get everything started', he thought.


Soooo that's it for this chapter x3x let's see each other at the next one~ 💕

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