Arc 2 Chapter 14: Mysterious Prince

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3rd Person POV:

Hernan looked at him for a bit before answering. "Your grandfather saved my life some time ago and he wanted me to repay it by looking after you.", he answered.

"My.. Grandfather? You mother's father right? How exactly did he save your life? No wait I had a grandfather?", he asked surprised.

"He and his men fought off some assassins that were after me while I was injured. I don't really know who he is myself, but regardless of his identity, I'll keep my promise. Though I've never seen him before, he looked like a noble. He should have some power as well, judging from the way he carried himself.", he answered.


{Hidden Mission unlocked!

-Find out more about the mysterious background of the third prince and why his mother really died. [Free Shop purchase ticket]}

He glanced at the new screen for a second and narrowed his eyes. "I see.. Something is weird here, including the death of my mother.", he whispered thoughtfully and then he looked back at Hernan.

"Never mind all that for now, it's not like the answers will show themselves just because I asked. There's something else I need to tell you. There's a treasure that can cure my illness", he said afterwards with a slight sparkle in his eyes.

That sparkle caused Hernan's heart to beat wildly. His Adam apple bobbed a bit before he coughed once lightly. His eyes showed warmth as he looked at him. "That's good news. I guess this is why you wanted to go outside. Where is it?", he answered.

"Well, it's in a pretty abandoned place. Seriously, nobody would think that there's even anything at all. I'll tell you more details once we're in our carriage.", he answered back with a sigh. "Well, we will depart the day after tomorrow. Make sure you're ready."

"Yes, I understand.", he answered while silently cursing at himself for thinking about his liege in that way. Yes, he just figured out why he was feeling the way he does.

Kendric smiled a bit and stood up. Of course he understood what his husband might be thinking, they spend so much time together after all.

He walked to his beloved and caressed his cheek gently, causing the other to flinch slightly. "Once this is done and I'm all better.. I'll tell you something important. So don't go dying before that, you hear?", he said gently with a smile.

Hernan held his breath a bit and looked into his eyes, which showed so much warmth that you could drown in it. "Understood...", he said a bit dazed, though nothing of it showed on his face, it was all visible in his eyes, which held equally as much warmth as the other's.

"Good", he said smiling and retracted his hand. "Then.. Let's start getting everything ready. There's a lot to be done.", he continued. Hernan nodded in agreement and they both started getting everything ready directly afterward.

~The day of the departure~

Kendric woke up in the morning and stretched himself a bit, to which he immediately flinched afterward. 'Damn it I'm so not used to this sick body. Everything hurts. By the way, Pancake. Is there a way to keep the disguise for longer while spending less points? I might need it for days on end, since father will probably keep an eye on me.', he thought while getting out of bed.

{Yes. There's an option to keep it for 24 hours for only 10 coins!}, the system answered with excitement, causing the host to smirk.

'That's good, let's get ready then. Hernan should still be busy with the last step before departure.', he answered and made himself presentable right after.

Once he was finished, he bought the make-up, making himself look more sick than he actually is. Right after he was ready, he heard someone gently knocking the door.

He smiled gently, knowing who it was. Only one person would knock gently on his door. He walked toward the door and opened it while still smiling.

"Everything is ready, we can go now.", Hernan said while looking at him. Kendric nodded as answer and followed him. Talking to his system while doing so.

'Oh yeah.. Pancake something's been on my mind this whole time.. Why is the prince's background a hidden task and not a normal side task?'

{That's easy host. Since the original Heroine, so to say the Transmigrator, made absolutely sure that the original would never find out where he came from. She found out by chance and since it could be a threat...}

'I see, so his origins are really powerful.. But I don't understand why they won't save him then? If they are that powerful..'

{Well, something like that has different factors I guess. Maybe something made that impossible.}


They stopped talking once they arrived at the carriage. Hernan helped Kendric getting seated before he himself sat down opposite him. The carriage started moving, getting them further and further away from the palace.

"I have something in mind. We will visit a lot of abandoned and ruined places on our way there, so my dear father won't suspect anything once we get the treasure.", he started whispering and took out a map from his coat, unfolding it and pointing at an area. "The treasure should be here. The only issue is taking the medicine. Apparently, I will get a high fever for about a week with constant pain included. We have to find a relatively save inn for us to stay in", he continued quietly and then looked at his beloved.

Hernan looked back with clenched fists. He knew it was the only way.. But he didn't want the prince to be in any pain. Even though he felt conflicted, he still nodded in understanding. He knew that he couldn't find another way and he also couldn't take the pain away.

Kendric smiled and folded the map back together, giving it to Hernan, who accepted it and put it in his coat. "Don't worry, this will finally be the last time my body will be painful.", he assured him quietly.

"I will protect you and care for you while you are fighting that illness", he answered whispering with determination. "I know a good inn nearby. They are acquaintances of mine. It should be safe there"

"Thank you.", he said and leaned back, closing his eyes. This was going to be a tiring journey, since they had to go about it with a lot of detours.

For people wanting to know how many points and coins he has left:

Points: 200

Coins: 450

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