Arc 3 Chapter 34: Lemuel's Acceptance

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Hey cuties~ 💕
I decided to release this chapter a bit early to celebrate that the app is working again!~ 💕
Enjoy reading ^~^ 🥰


3rd Person POV:

He had never expected to dream about those strange things again at this very moment. The language was once again the same one he shouldn't understand, but strangely does. This time, it was more and more like a memory. He didn't see the man himself, but instead saw everything from his perspective. An extremely strong feeling of nostalgia and sadness overwhelmed him while dreaming. His heart felt stuffy, like someone took it and squeezed it inside his hands, as well as happiness following after the pain.


He looked ahead with lifeless eyes. This...area looked miserable. He knew, from his subconscious, that this was the capital city. But he lived in the slums. The area where these sickening noble people threw away everything they deemed useless, hoping it would just rot here quickly. They already lived in the desert, making this situation even worse than it already would be without it. He saw thin people everywhere. Not the good, but the bad kind of thin. These people, including himself, were only bones.

All of them had some kind of scar, some missed an arm or leg, some were blind, many sick...and many dead. Bodies lying around was a common sight where he lived. He saw a mother crying while holding her dead baby.. The baby starved to death because the mother did not have enough milk due to her lack of food. This was also a common sight, he already grew kinda numb to it. The same goes for robbery or murder. It was pure chaos.

"Lemuel!~", he heard a gentle voice call his name. He recognized that voice. It was that guy again..the one who kept following him around...the one who kept making him confused and panicked. He didn't want him to get any closer than he already was. The thought caused his heart to hurt, but he ignored it.

He looked toward him with cold eyes. "What are you doing here?", he now asked with an annoyed tone in his voice. 'Please just leave me alone.. So you don't get hurt', he thought while doing so. He didn't see... That the other person saw his pain, causing his own eyes to show a brief emotion of pain as well. But in this memory, he could see it clearly. Though he couldn't control the him inside those memories.

The man looked a bit helpless, but still smiled gently at him. "I know you're probably hungry, so let's go and get you something to eat.", he said with a gentle voice which tickled Lemuel's heart ever so slightly. The defenses he just started building up again started crumbling at a fast pace once more. This always happened when he interacted with this person. He couldn't even remember when exactly it started happening.

"No.. Please go away.. I won't accept your food.", he answered coldly while his heart started hurting more the more he refused him. He just wanted to build up his determination once more, when the other knelt down before him, causing him to flinch slightly. He looked at him, to be specific, he looked into his eyes, or eye, to be exact, which was so deep and gentle right now. But looking at those memories, he saw worry inside. "Please Lemuel, just come with me. I don't want you to continue starving yourself like this.. Come with me.. I'll give you all the food and water you want.. Please.", he said while taking his hand.

He felt that warmth on his hand, melting his heart once more. Together with his overwhelming gentleness, he unconsciously answered. "Alright."
Before he could take it back after realizing what he had just said, the other already pulled his hand, dragging him up. "Perfect!", he said with happiness overflowing in his voice. He pulled him while walking ahead, causing Lemuel to look at their intertwined hands with mixed emotions. He started fighting with himself, his heart hurting while he did so.

He wanted to accept him, but he was afraid. Afraid that his curse would get him. Afraid that this man would leave him as well. The more he thought about it, the more he lost himself in these thoughts. He pulled his hand away from the other's instantly, causing the man to be stunned at first, before looking hurt, as well as worried. "What's wrong, Lemuel?", he asked with a slightly nervous voice. He looked at him, unable to contain his emotions. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, he started crying. He let everything out that he couldn't before. "Please, Adonis... Leave me alone.", he said with a heartbreaking voice while his heart hurt. But instead of what he thought would happen, the other man hugged him tight.

He flinched when he started feeling this unfamiliar warmth. The last time he was hugged was..when his family was still by his side. It was such a long time ago that he couldn't remember what they had looked like anymore. "I will never leave you alone.", was what he heard the man say with a shaking voice. "I love you..more than anything or anyone else.. Please let me stay here, by your side.. Lemuel...", he was stunned by what he heard. His heart started beating faster and his eyes turned gentler, but started filling with more sadness at the same time. "Why..would you love someone like me.. I'm cursed. You can't stay with me.", was what he answered while his voice slowly started breaking.

Adonis loosened the hug and looked straight into his eyes. "No. Don't listen to those people, please. Don't let them break you..and hurt you more than they already did. You're perfect the way you are. It wasn't your fault. It was nobody's fault that they all died. I also won't die like they did. I will stay with you for eternity, I promise. Please let me love you..and show you what it means to be doted on.", his words went straight to his heart, causing even his last few walls to crumble. Now it was him that hugged the other. He cried more than before. "I warn you, don't you dare die. Please never leave me alone...", he whispered.

Adonis smiled gently. "I won't.", he said and slightly  pulled himself away from their hug. He looked into his eyes and kissed him a bit clumsily but gently at the same time. Lemuel returned his kiss, although he himself was also clumsy at it. He felt a warmth spreading through his soul and he accepted the warm feeling it gave him. They stayed that way for a bit, before Adonis pulled his head away and looked into his eyes. "Now...please come with me...and start taking better care of your body..", he whispered against his lips. Lemuel nodded while looking at this person with dazed eyes and they both started holding hands. One started walking while the other followed him with a small smile and a slight blush on his face. His free hand brushed against his dry lips while he did so.


Asher woke up with tears in his eyes and a smile on his face. 'So..that's how we first got together, huh...', he thought while putting a hand on the place where his heart was almost jumping out of his chest. It was beating fast. These memories were indeed sad, but at the same time they weren't. He felt a bit too many emotions, so he closed his eyes again and waited until his emotions calmed down a bit, which actually took quite a while.

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