Arc 4 Chapter 42: Was It His Fault? (Part 1)

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Hey there my cuties!~ 💕 😭
So I know I'm late again, but my health got a bit worse again so... I had to rest a lot Dx
I don't know how to compensate you now qwq and I'll probably also have to slow these updates down a bit.. Again qwq
And I already owe you one compensation from before Dx
Some people did suggest some things, so... I will list them and you can vote for the compensation you want! 💕

I'll write an extra arc which won't relate to the story, kind of like a filler arc~
It would be Lemuel and Adonis being in an already existing book world. Like Solo Leveling, WMMAP, etc. Since it won't relate to the story, Adonis can or can't have his memories, whichever you prefer. You can write down which world you want them to be in.

You guys get to suggest your world ideas for one of the coming arcs and I'll let you guys vote afterward which idea you want me to make a reality. It doesn't have to be detailed. You don't even need to give them names or anything. Just say what you want the world to be about, be it magic or apocalypse or anything else. Which job the Villain and the original body of the prota should have, as well as the abnormalities you want the world to have. I will fill the rest.

Well, this one isn't anything special, just another vote like the one we did before. I'll name three world ideas and you'll vote which I should write about.

I hope these ideas are okay 🥰 Now, enjoy reading this chapter!


3rd Person POV:

Another dream haunted him while sleeping. He felt like he had jinxed himself trying to remember what happened to his original family in his last life. This dream... He vaguely understood why their deaths resulted in Lemuel's original personality. His...original personality...


It was a day like any other in the eyes of the small child he was looking at this memory from. He subconsciously knew, this child was 10 years old. He had an elder, as well as a younger, sibling. Actually, their family wasn't really rich, but they weren't really poor either. They had enough money to eat their fill each day, but they couldn't afford luxurious things like toys, for example.

The things they had were handmade by his mother with cheap material. But the child and his siblings were happy. They didn't need to starve, so they were already quite lucky, they thought. While he was outside playing with his siblings, he accidentally bumped into a noble. Frightened, he immediately knelt and apologized.

The noble started a whole speech about how he had to compensate him for staining his luxurious clothes. The child, Lemuel, didn't own much. So, like the child he was, he gave the other his most precious thing. The 'plushy' his mother had made for him. He told the other "Here, please take my precious treasure as compensation, my lord."

But was the lord really thankful? Of course not. This little thing was nothing but dirt in his noble eyes. The child could see the disgusted expression his face morphed into. He then started screaming about how not even his life could compensate for these clothes. He spat a "You just wait and see, commoner.", at the child and walked away while talking to his servant in a hushed whisper.

"What should we do, Orion?", the young Lemuel asked his big brother. The other was already 14 and knew a lot, so they always asked him in tough situations.

"Let's tell mom and dad about it.", Orion answered his younger brother. He took the hands of both of his younger siblings and ran home with them together. Once they reached, they immediately rushed inside. His mother sat on the ground with their father sitting next to her.

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