Extra 2.1: What happened after..

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Fergus's POV:

I knew that this day would come sooner rather than later. The longer Asher lived, the more likely he was to die before the next day. The more time we spent together, the more anxious I grew. I knew I had to let him go soon, but I suppressed these thoughts and feelings. I couldn't worry him with these thoughts of mine...the rest of his life should be lived happily and without worries.

Every day, I felt his breath against my skin while falling asleep. It confirmed and reassured me that he was still alive. But one night, after a while, I stopped feeling it. It caused me to immediately wake up while feeling suffocated. I instantly checked his breath, only to find that he had really stopped breathing.

I immediately called the doctor on standby near our home and tried to convince myself that everything would be alright. It just had to be.

But life was cruel and without mercy, I felt after getting my hopes crushed not long after. The doctor had declared him dead after a few minutes.

I told him to inform my father-in-law while I hugged his body, which was slowly growing colder in my arms. I couldn't contain my tears while doing so, but it didn't take long for me to find that he was holding something in his hand.

I took it instantly with shaking hands. Once I saw that it was a letter, I suppressed everything that wanted to break out. I didn't want to accidentally ruin his letter with my tears. His last words..

I read it slowly, while my emotions grew more complicated the more I read.

To my dear beloved,

When you read this letter, I'm probably already dead. I can feel that my time is slowly running out, so I'm writing this letter while hoping that you might feel even just a tiny bit better after reading it.

Our life together had been cut short in this world, but I don't want you to feel sad about it, though you probably will nevertheless. Every moment we spent together, no matter how short, makes me happy.

I'm sure we will find each other again in our next life, so I want you to continue living with your head held high. If you feel like you can't, I'll make a request to you while hoping it might make it a little easier to do so.

Please take care of my father for me and should he read this letter, I hope that he'll take care of you in return as well. Also, I want to donate all the money I made to orphanages of your choice.

I'm counting on you and waiting for you in our next world...

Yours for eternity,

I placed the letter away from me with shaking hands, before starting to cry once more. I didn't even realize when my father-in-law came into the room. I only knew that he was already next to me once I couldn't cry any more. I looked at him after realising that he stood next to me, but we both didn't say a word. His eyes were red, he had probably also cried.

We both didn't know what to say to each other. Today, we had both lost our treasure.

Our lives ahead were simple, but not happy ones.
We held a funeral for our treasure open to anyone. Security was tight and it used up a lot of money, but we wanted to do something meaningful to send him off.

Every fan of his that could make it was with us. We gave everyone a copy of his unpublished songs as a gift for attending.

For the rest of his life, I took care of the last request my beloved had and watched over his father. He did the same as he watched over me.

After spending a long life like this, father-in-law passed away as well, leaving me all alone.

I just kind of existed for the remaining time I had to live. I was living while waiting to die.

Once I reached the age of 87, my body finally granted my wish as I died of god knows what. I didn't care what it was either, I just wanted it to happen.

My last thoughts were a small hope.. Hope that what Asher was always talking about would come true. I wanted to be together with him again in our next lives.

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