Arc 1 Chapter 3: Going Back

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So yeah Ehm... I'm still really motivated so yeah, enjoy!~


3rd Person POV:

It took Arthur a while before getting everything ready. He sent his resume and everything else needed to a company working with technology under Richard's Name. Well, not directly since it was under his family's name, but it was still the same. Also, he bought a flight ticked back to C City, since he needed to go back anyway.

After he was finished, it was time to get ready for the last exam he had to take. He stood up and walked into the kitchen. He was always alone in his past life, so he knows how to cook. Well, he wasn't really alone, but his parents hated him.

Anyway, he started making some food. After 30 minutes, he was finished and sat down to eat. Once he was done with eating, he washed the dishes and walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth. Then he grabbed everything he needed and rushed off. Since he was pretty close, but not that close, to school, he had a bike. He unlocked it and made his way to take the last exam.

Once he had the exam before his eyes, he immediately started writing down the answers. Edwin himself was really smart, plus he also came from a world much more advanced than this one, so he could easily continue getting Arthur's perfect scores. It still took a bit before he finished though.

He gave the papers back to the teacher after 30 minutes. The teacher was surprised, but allowed him to go, since he was already finished. He still talked a bit with the teacher before going back to his apartment, to fish for information. What he learned was what he already guessed: He didn't need to stay overseas anymore.

Everything else can be done per Mail and phone, so he could go back the day after tomorrow. He smiled while going back home. It's a bit earlier than the plot states, but it should be fine. Once he arrived back home, he started packing everything. It's going to be stressful until then.

Richard 3rd Person POV:

He was working on his documents when he heard someone knocking on his door. His mood went even lower than before, but he still said, "Come in", with his deep, seductive but icy voice. The person on the other side shuddered, clearly sensing his boss's bad mood.

But he had to do this, since it was something his boss ordered to be reported immediately. He opened the door, closed it behind him and walked toward Richard, who didn't even look up from his paperwork. "Sir", he started and put the document right before his eyes, blocking his sight from what he was working on.

"We got information on that person you had so desperately been looking for. Well, not really information itself but.. He sent one of our smaller side companies working with technology his information to work there", he continued. The first sentence itself got his boss's whole attention.

He just wanted to scold this employee for blocking his sight, but instead read the document he gave him immediately. His cold facade instantly melted as he brushed his fingers over the paper with a gentle expression, which startled the employee greatly.

Richard coughed a bit and stored the document in a drawer underneath the desk. "Let him work there.. And tell me instantly once he starts working.", he ordered in his usual cold voice. The employee nodded his head "Yes, Sir", he answered and left the office right after. Once he was alone, he pulled the document out again.

"I said I'll find you, but here you are, coming to me instead.. Then..don't be surprised when I don't let you go ever again", he whispered. He didn't have a good life. The only light he had was this friend of his and he wants it back. He needs someone to talk and laugh with, or else he would go insane. The only thing keeping him sane is Arthur in this filthy world.

Arthur 3rd Person POV:

He sneezed a bit and looked at his already half packed stuff. He then looked toward the clock, which indicated that he should sleep. He let out a sigh 'fine.. I'll eat and then sleep', he thought. He made himself something to eat, ate it afterwards, washed his dishes and brushed his teeth.

He then put on his Pyjamas and lay himself down on the bed. 'After packing the rest tomorrow, I can finally go back and start my task.', he thought while yawning. It didn't take long before he fell into a deep slumber.

~One day and a half later~

Arthur stood outside the airport after arriving and took a deep breath. 'Heh, and here I am. Let's help this Villain to become happy', he thought while smiling a little bit. He called a taxi and went to the new but still small apartment he rented and started sorting his luggage out. He got an email stating he would start his work next week. He read it while smiling. This world is probably going to be easy, but oh well.. The system did say it was unfailable, so.. It's pretty obvious. He hoped the next world would be a lot more challenging.

Aaaand that's it. I'm going to upload the rest in a few days... Since I shouldn't be uploading so much in one day~ 💕
Btw, these feelings Richard has right now are pure brotherhood. Just so you don't misunderstand, he has no other special feelings for the original Arthur, since I wouldn't really like it if he did >~<

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