Arc 1 Chapter 6: Dinner for two

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3rd Person POV:

After finishing his work for the day, Arthur packed everything and started heading home. Since he still needed to unmask the Female Lead, as well as find the original's biological parents, he should slowly start collecting data on both things. Well, that's what he originally wanted to do. But he just stepped out of the building, when his phone began ringing. He looked at the screen. It was an unknown number he wouldn't normally accept. But he remembered Richard, so he accepted this time. "Hello?", he said with a bit of caution.

Laughter came from the other end. It was a familiar deep and captivating voice. "B-Brother Richard!", he instantly exclaimed excited."Yes, it's me. I'm happy that you recognized my voice", Richard answered in a gentle voice. "I just wanted to ask..if you want to eat dinner with me together? Since we've not seen each other in a long about we catch on with a few things?", he continued. Arthur wasn't sure if he was imagining things, but he could swear that he could hear a slightly nervous tone in the voice of the other person. He smiled gently and answered. "Sure, that sounds amazing! Let's eat at my place. I'll cook and send you the Adress if you want."

Richard on the other end almost lost his composure. "At your place? Sure, that sounds awesome. I'll be there at 6:30pm.", he said."Okay, I'll be waiting for you.", came from the other end. They hung up afterwards and the handsome man couldn't help but sigh as he leaned back into his office chair. He looked at the laptop screen, which said 'It's 100% love!' and rubbed his temples.'Is it? first sight? And with Arthur? No wait, not that there's anything wrong with him, but.. Why now.. And that heartache I feel thinking of the sentence 'not seen each other for a long time'..', he sighs again thinking about it. But then he shook his head and closed the tab on his laptop. 'Let's not think about that.. I can find out more about everything later', he convinced himself as he re-opened the file for his new project and started working.

In the meantime, Arthur just arrived at home and went to the kitchen. He wanted to cook a big and delicious meal only for Richard and see his happy smile as he says that it's delicious. As he chopped the vegetables, he suddenly stopped. 'I want to..what... Wait why..', he thought back to that warm laughter, causing his heartbeat to accelerate. 'Pancake.. Is it allowed to fall in love with the target?', he quickly asks. {Edwin, there are no restrictions. You can also stay in your worlds until you die naturally.}, he heard pancake in his mind. He sighs in relief and continued cooking. 'If that's the case.. I should just accept and cherish these feelings.. Since I've never had them while I was still alive.. But it's weird.. This feeling feels kind of familiar...', he started thinking while cooking his dishes.

~The Same Evening~

Arthur just finished readying everything for dinner when he heard the doorbell ringing. He smiled a bit and put the bottle of wine down. He then walked toward the door and opened the door for the person waiting on the other side, inviting him inside. "It's nice to see you again so soon.", he said to Richard, who entered the apartment and took off his shoes and jacket. "I wanted to say the same", he answered the blonde boy while doing so. The boy closed the door and helped put them away, then walked in with the handsome man following behind. They walked toward the dining table, at which the younger one sat down first. "Sit down.", said Arthur while gesturing to a chair opposite from the one which he was sitting on. The other just nodded with a charming smile and sat down. They both then naturally started putting food onto their plates and wine into their glasses.

The conversation they had while eating and drinking wasn't actually really important, since Richard just wanted to know more about Arthur. He asked a lot of small questions, which Arthur answered truthfully. After he finished the second glass wine though, he startet feeling a bit lightheaded and his cheeks flushed from the alcohol he consumed. Richard looked at him with a small smile. He himself had four glasses, but was still clear headed. "You're drunk. I guess your tolerance is a bit low.", he said and walked toward the boy, who looked back at him with a slight glitter in his eyes, catching the taller man off guard. They stare at each other for a while, not wanting to look away.

It was only after a long time that Richard finally managed to look away. His heart raced while quietly helping the younger one stand. "Where is your bedroom? I'll bring you there", he said with a slightly hoarse voice, causing the blonde boy to look at him. Encouraged through the alcohol, he embraced the other. "Brother Richard.. Can you stay here?", he asked instead of answering. He looked straight into the eyes of the other. Richard slightly widened his eyes and held his breath for a second. " you ask?", he now asked another question instead of answering directly. His voice still hoarse from all the different feelings he experienced at that moment. He felt the other standing on his tippy toes as he laid his arms around his shoulders, circling his neck. "I just want to stay with you.. Being with you feels good.", the boy answered, which caused the patience and self control of the other person to run thin. "Okay.. I'll stay here.. So.. Where is your bedroom", Richard answered while trying to keep himself together. He really wanted to kiss Arthur right now. But he would rather do that once the other was sober, not like this.

Arthur took the lead and walked with Richard into his bedroom. Once they arrived, the shorter man started feeling faint. The other noticed and immediately carried him in his arms. The boy looked at him and smiled. Causing the other's breathing to stop again for a second. 'This is torture...', thought Richard, but he still did not make a move.

Just as he laid Arthur down on the bed though, the other grabbed him and did not let him get up. Richard wanted to ask him what was wrong, but he couldn't. Arthur pulled him close and kissed him, which surprised him a lot. But he couldn't resist the kiss of his love. He kissed the other back and waited for an opportunity. Once Arthur opened his mouth a bit, he immediately entered his mouth with his tongue, exploring every corner of it. It continued on until Arthur ran out of breath, causing these two to separate.

Richard regained his senses at that second and without looking back, he left that room instantly before he lost all his reason. He leaned against a wall and put his hand on his mouth. Countless thoughts were running through his head as he walked toward a chair and sat down. He had to calm down. He crossed his legs to hide a reaction and sighed. He should not get tempted by a drunk person.. At least not before talking about it while he was sober first.

Arthur was a bit confused when that comforting warmth suddenly disappeared. But it didn't take long before he fell asleep, not thinking about it anymore.

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