Arc 2 Chapter 25: Friendly Solution

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3rd Person POV:

Ezra wanted to protest but stopped himself when he heard a sigh leaving his father's mouth.

"Okay, we'll compromise. I'd rather have Erza live his life than him dying here. I'll step down and name you Empress officially in a few days. Give us the pills, we'll take them. I'll also make the truth about the third prince known to all."

"That's a wise choice, your Majesty.", Reina said with the same elegant and gentle smile on her lips.

Ezra clenched his fists tight. He didn't want to, but he knew his father was right. They would probably lose a fight of wits and eventually might against these people.

Kendric handed them both a pill each and all three of them watched as they both took them instantly. "We'll be awaiting the good news", he said and all of them left the throne room afterwards.

Ezra looked at his father. "Was that really the right thing to do?", he still asked his father with uncertainty

The Emperor looked at his son. "They have Amaris behind them. A war would only cause suffering amongst the common people. As rulers, the folk is more important than anything else. You know that."

Ezra widened his eyes in surprise. "I forgot about that possibility, Father. In that case, we should do as you said."

The old man sighed sadly."I wish Enzo had the same views as you, Ezra.. Maybe your brother wouldn't have died then... But he inherited his personality from his despicable mother... It's a pity.. Really"

Ezra looked sadly at his father and hugged him.

A few days later, he kept his promise. An Imperial edict was announced, containing an apology toward the Dolivo and Edouard family. He told the truth and said he felt guilty about everything. He would abdicate his right to the throne and name the descendant of the Dolivo family the Empress. Kendric will return to his homeland and life with his real family.

These informations caused an uproar inside the empire, but nobody felt that it was weird, since the Empress recently died, he probably had the opportunity to speak up, they thought.

So they welcomed the new Empress and even felt a little sorry for her and her family. The coronation was a joyful event with a lot of important people present. Kendric attended with his brother and lover as well, strengthening their ties to the empire. The old man and Ezra were already living a quiet live in a remote village at that time.

The years passed by. Blue eyes and silver-white hair slowly became the new symbol of the royal family in Amaris. Amaris grew thanks to their ties to the empire. Henry became King and the kingdom thrived more than ever under his rule.

Kendric and Hernan became lords of a territory and adopted a child to inherit it. They lived a good life together.

But since they lived in ancient times, they didn't get to live as long this time though. They only reached their 50's.

This time it was Kendrics turn to leave first. His body grew weaker pretty quickly, quicker than that of his beloved. "Hernan.. I'll find you again.. In our next life.. So don't be sad..", he said weakly before taking his last breath.

Hernan held his hand and kissed it while tears ran down his face. "I'll find you as well.. Just wait for me..", he whispered. He died a few days later. They were buried together after he died.


Edwin opened his eyes before the beauty of the scenery he selected last time and sighed. "It's not easy every time."

{Congratulations Edwin. You get an additional reward of 100 coins and points for perfectly clearing a world with an abnormally. Current coins: 365 and points: 600}

"Thank you. About the information you said you could give me.."

{About that.. We have two ways to solve it. First, I'll tell you a bit after every world, but it would be painful for your soul and second, I'll tell you everything at once, once your soul is stable and powerful enough to bear it.}

"Okay, then let's go with the second option."

{As you wish. Now, please select the skills for your next world}


{Available Skills to learn:

-advanced hearing (200 points)
-advanced smell (200 points)
-advanced eyesight (200 points)
-knowledge on all existing Medicinal plants (200 points)
-medical knowledge of all eras (200 points)
-swordsmanship (200 points)}

"Hmm.. Let's go with both medical skills. They sound the most useful", he said.

{Deducted 400 points. I'm now moving you to the training space. Good luck}

~~~ 125 years later ~~~

He came back to the system space and fell to the floor. "Let me rest before going to the next world, please", he begged. These years were like hell.

{Permission granted. Have a good rest}

Edwin fell asleep immediately and slept through a whole week. He didn't need food or drink, since he was only a soul without body right now.

He woke up after one week. Now he was full of energy again. "Okay, let's go!", he said excited. He wanted to find his husband quickly.

{Understood. Transferring you to the next world now.}

Edwin closed his eyes.

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