The Big Breakout

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(The episode begins as we see Joey in his office talking to Brandon and Matt)
Matt: Today is the day of the assault Mr Joey. You remember right?
Joey: I haven't forgotten. I've been waiting a long time for this.
Brandon: We'll stand up for our rights and save our.
Joey: Oh hog wash on that. What really matters that after today no one will ever be able to doubt my hero status ever again.
Matt: Joey!!
Brandon: Are you really doing all of this just so you can be thought of as a hero?
Joey: So what? I'm the one in charge so I don't think you have any position to be making any complaints. Unless you know anyone else who could be capable of going toe to toe with These vile freaks.
Matt: Ok yeah ya know what? He has a point there.
Joey: Of course I do.
(At that moment Pierce walks inside)
Pierce: It's time we head out and go boys.
Joey: Bout time
(He then marches outside while Matt and Brandon shrug and follow him)

(The next scene then cuts to Amber who we see talking to Stephanie, Lacie, Savannah, Gooch)
Amber: Looks like it's about time for us to go.
Lacie: You must be really nervous.
Amber: I wish I could say this is nothing snd that we've been through worst. But I guess that would be a lie wouldn't it?
Gooch: Hey don't sweat it. Everything will be ok.
Amber: I wish I could be as confident as you are.
Savannah: I'm surprised you don't want people to come with you.
Amber: This is going to be really dangerous and I'd feel a lot more comfortable if you guys stayed here where it's safe.
Lacie: Oh Amber always looking out for us.
(We then see Joey walk past them)
Joey: Either come or we'll go without you red.
Amber: Sounds like I gotta get going now.
Stephanie: Knock em all dead Amber. Show them what you're made of.
Amber: While I'm gone I'll be counting on you to watch over this place Stephanie.
Stephanie: You can count on me girl. Always.
Amber: Never a doubt in my mind.
(She then runs into a nearby van which immediately takes off while we see Alex, Josh, and Bolin watching while cheering)

(The next scene then begins shortly afterwards as we see everyone now in the van with Tim, JJ, Shawn, and Luke)
Matt: Guys I don't mean to be a whiner. But next time we go on a rescue mission like this maybe we could go with a bigger vehicle.
Joey: Oh get real. If you wanna complain you can get out.
Matt: I'm just saying this is kinda crowded.
Amber: Guys that's enough of that.
JJ: She's right. We have bigger problems and the last thing we need is to be bickering with each other.
Brandon: She's right. To pull this off we need everyone's corporation and we need to be getting along to corporate.
Tim: Oh we're not screwing this up because we're going home without them. Even if we have to break this place apart with my own bare hands.
Jj: That a boy Tim.
Shawn: Maybe now is a bad time to be calling attention to this. But how are we going to bring everyone back home without a bigger vehicle.
JJ: Uh well..
Joey: We can cross that bridge whenever we get to it!! How much further do we have till we?
Luke: Hey chill out man I know where we're going. I just escaped from this place and I'll have you know that.

(The next scene then begins immediately afterwards as he lets out a gasp)
Luke: Stop!!
(They then immediately stop the van)
Tim: What is it now? I swear if this is about food I'll smack you so hard that.
Luke: No dude come on. You really think I'd have food on my mind at a time like this?
(His stomach then starts growling)
Amber: Yes.
Luke: Ok fair point. But that's not why I told you to stop.
JJ: Well then why?
Luke: Cause we're here?
(He then points towards a distant building)
JJ: That abandoned building?
Luke: That's those crazy hoodlums hideout.
(We then see Smither walk past it)
Pierce: That's Smither alright so it must be.
Joey: Good then let's get in there and start tearing everyone apart limb from limb.
JJ: Hold up. We can't just walk in there all willie nillie like that. Smither could blow our cover.
Joey: Then what do you suppose we do big guy?
Amber: Strategize of course.
JJ: I think I might have an idea that could get us inside.
Tim: Whatever the plan we're with ya man.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30 ⏰

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