The "Happy" Couple

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Choi's POV
I'm not sure how to narrate. That's more Nicky's and Cicely's thing but I guess the story starts with me.
I go to the living room and see Nicky on the couch watching god knows what. He always watches the most gruesome and violent movies. I'm more of an animation type of person myself. I slide down next to him and wrap my tattooed arm around his waist.

"Morning," he says as he lays a kiss to my plum-colored long hair. And before you ask, yes that's my natural hair color. I think it's an incubus thing to have natural unnatural colored hair but it's only my head. The curtains don't match the drapes, everywhere else is just plain black.

"Morning to you too." I kiss his pink pierced lips. He just got a new one a couple months ago. It's a hoop on his bottom lip right down the middle. It's a new feeling to have cool metal meet my lips. It sends a cool chill across my face.

I look at his face and you would think after all of these centuries that I would get tired of looking at him. Nope.

"Sooo," he starts. I roll my eyes already knowing what he's going to say. "No, Nicky. I did not eat your precious salt and vinegar chips." Turning away from him, I crossed my arms across my chest. I totally ate them. He should know by now to start hiding them from me.

He grabs my chin with his fingers and turns my head towards him. He leans his mouth to my ear. "You really should stop kissing me before you decide to lie. I tasted them on your breath." I know my eyes were as wide as can be because I know what was coming next.

He picks up both of my legs and opens them on the couch as he gets between them. He lays down on top of me putting all his weight down. He breathes warm air into my ear making my senses go haywire. He's too good at teasing me. He puts his hand through my hair and grabs a fistful and pulls my head to the side exposing my neck.

He makes open-mouth kisses on my neck and collarbone. Then he starts nipping at my skin leaving red marks on my skin. He makes me breathless with his biting and my hand reaches his shoulder grabbing on to try to push him off but I'm already jelly under his touch. I'm so hard that I'm sure he feels it through my sweatpants. I haven't fed in a little while so this is actually perfect timing.

I can smell his arousal as he realizes that he's rubbing against my shaft. He looks down and sees the small spot wet from my precum. Then his fire increases as he touches me through my pants. I admit that I'm so hungry right now. I just need him to let go of his restraint so I can feed.

I feel his hardness against my leg and then I start to taste his need and it's so good. He goes to pull my pants down but before he could...
Brrrng Brrrng
His phone starts ringing and he lets go of my hair and gets off of me. He goes to the coffee table and picks up his phone. When the other person on the phone starts talking, his arousal disappears as soon as it came and I'm left still hungry.

He says some things to the person on the phone that I don't really pay attention to. But listening to him talk on the phone is one of the times where you see how he's truly a leader. I wish I was able to do something like that but with the right words, anyone could convince me to do anything.

"Okay. Alright, I'll be there as soon as I can." He hangs up the phone and runs out of the living room. I try to follow him but he runs up the stairs so fast I can't catch up. I reach the top of the stairs and hear noise coming from the end of the hallway from our bedroom.

Nicky walks out half dressed in a suit. His shirt was half-buttoned, tie untied around his neck, pants on zipped up but still unbuttoned, and socks on with his shoes in his hand.

"Hey hun, they need me at the office. It's an emergency with our overseas holders." He kisses my cheek and runs back downstairs taking his car keys with him. "I'll be home as soon as I can so we can finish our conversation. I love you." I hear the door slam and the car start as he drives away.

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