Something's Got to Give /12/29/2023

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Cicely's POV
I let go of him completely and pushed him to the side. "Nothing was stopping me and I don't need your permission either because in my head your body belongs to me."

Girl what in the world did you just say. A second ago you didn't even want to touch him. What do you mean you think he's yours? He obviously has something going on with Nicky.

The sound of keys jingling at the door catches both of our attentions and as Nicky walks in we both look like we're doing something we aren't supposed to.

I quickly get off the couch and fumble to fix my clothes. What was I thinking saying he's mine? I'm the outsider here.

Nicky looks at my haggard state and sighs. He looks defeated as he takes in the scene in front of him.

"Are your legs healed?"

My mind was racing and panicking so badly I didn't register what he said. "Huh?"

"I said are your thighs healed?"

I leaned down to look at them and they were as good as new. "Yeah, they're fine. Why?"

He put his keys on the wall hook next to the kitchen and waved in dismissal at me. "You're free to go back to your room."

I bolted for the corner as fast as I could. Right before I was out of sight, he held out something for me.

It was my phone and he couldn't have given it to me at a better time. Before I could grasp it he said, "Don't tell anyone you're here. Not that we wouldn't be able to handle them."

I nodded my head. "Aht aht. I need words, sweets. Sweet words from your sweet lips."

He looked at my lips and made eye contact. His brown eyes were swirling with potential, the potential for him to devour me or for me to devour him. The thought of my sweet lips being used made my stomach flutter.

"I understand." He put my phone in my hand and I went to my designated room. Anywhere was better than sitting under his hungry eyes. In the back of my head, I knew he would fill me up with something much better than food and give me something more than just physical.

I close the door behind me and flop onto the bed. I know that this isn't my place but the copy and paste room was so comforting. My safe bubble.

Safe from confusing feelings, safe from their advances, safe from falling into something that could tear me apart again.

Nicky's POV
I watch our mate scurry away from us like a rabbit caught in a foxes den. Something's got to give with her and we can't just expect her being forced to be here to magically change her heart.

She's been here for less than a week and she's only moving further away. I look at Alteno sitting on the couch annoyed as if he hasn't just pushed her further away.

I pinch in between my brows. All this thinking and stress will be the death of me. "Why would you do that to her?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "Pfft. I didn't even do anything. She wouldn't let anything happen."

"And you don't find that concerning. Our mating bond should've made her throw away all self control by now. But guess what? She's still by herself while we're thinking of ways to get her."

Alteno let go of the attitude once he realized that none of this was changing anything.

"I just want... I just want what's promised to us. She's everything we dreamed of. It bugs me that we can't love her because someone tried to break her."

"But she's not promised to us. At least not to her. She just thinks we're random creatures torturing her."

"I'm sorry I just... I just... want more. I want to have my mate and have her want me back."

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