When Will We...? /12/16/2022

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Nicky's POV
I get back to the home that I bought with the love of my life. When I walk in, the house is completely dark with only moonlight coming through the windows. I'm greeted only by my loud footsteps on the wooden floors.

The night is eerie. It's still and unmoving. I despise it.

I put down my bag and run through the house turning on every light and tv. This house is too big to be empty and quiet. The murmurs in the background are doing nothing to help my urge to be with my mates.

I sit on the couch and start rocking back and forth. The emptiness is gnawing at me. I ball my fists and my head starts throbbing. I try taking deep breaths to try to calm myself.

A clock somewhere in the house is tic-tic-ticking. With every tick, it gets louder until it's blasting in my ears. I stomp through the house looking for that damned clock. It was sitting on our bedstand and I was reminded how much I want to be next to him and our mate.

Even when Alteno thought we wouldn't find our mate, he insisted that we have a large bed. I could've done without it. It was the only reason why we got it. The clock continues its relentless ticking. When the minute changes, I chuck the clock at the wall, and it breaks into multiple pieces.

Choi/Alteno: Nicky, are you okay? Our bond says that you need me or me and Sissy.

Nicky: No I'm not fucking okay. I need both of you near me and this stupid bond won't let me forget it.

Alteno: you know you don't have to be there, right?

Nicky: what do you mean?

Alteno: well I don't know how long that bond has been torturing you but it's really late.

Nicky: And what does that have to do with me?

Alteno: Sissy is asleep and you and I are invincible to doors.

Nicky: Are you sure?

Alteno: Absolutely. When she goes to sleep one of her legs pokes out the cover. She's out like a light.

I let my bond lead me to Alteno and go to him. When I'm there, I look at my mate in her bed. She's underneath her pink comforter with one leg out. She wears a bonnet on her head and her mouth slightly open.

She sleeps so soundly. Not a fucking care in the world.

Nicky: How do you do it?

Alteno: Do what?

Nicky: Be so close to them but not the way we want to.

Alteno: I don't know but because I'm collared I'm connected to them at all times. If I wasn't I'd probably be just like you.

Nicky: it's barely been a couple days since we've found her and I'm unraveling. We have to tell her.

Alteno: In time, Nicky. We'll tell her when the time is right.

Nicky: What if the time is never right? What if she's never ready to learn about us? That collar will only do so much eventually you will unravel too. You feeding from a distance will only last so long. We both need her touch and presence. She's human. She'll never experience this to the extent we will.

Alteno: I know all of that but we have no choice. What if we force her and she resents us? If she rejects us you will die and I'll lose my mind. And regardless of if she accepts me or not, I'll have to follow her wherever she goes. But if she does there's the fact of our relationship.

Nicky: yeah the mating bond is already a shitload and adding polyamory is just the cherry on top. We have too much to tell her.

Alteno: that's why we do it slowly.

Nicky: But when? When will she move in? When will she notice us? When will we be together? When will she love us?

Cicely turns on her stomach and kicks off the cover. She's wearing a silk nightshirt and matching pants. I go to put the cover back over her.

Alteno: Don't. She'll just throw it off again.

Nicky: but there are goosebumps all over her arms.

Alteno: I think she likes it that way. If her fans aren't on she doesn't sleep. If it gets too warm she has nightmares.

Nicky: about what?

Alteno: I don't know. There are never any visuals.

Alteno stands next to me and Cicely's bedside and whispers in my ear.

"Blow on her ear."


"Just do it and see."

I lean over Sissy and blow softly on her ear. She smiles slightly in her sleep and touches her ear.

"Say something to her."

"You are amazing, mi corazón."

She fully smiles and puts her whole face in her pillow and tucks her arms under herself.

"She may not know about us in real life but her subconscious does. She dreams about us you know."

I look up at my Alteno.

"She doesn't remember any of the dreams but those are the nights where she sleeps the best. She'll be ours soon but you have to wait."

He touches my cheek. "Sometimes she says our names. Waiting is torture but for us, I don't doubt for a second that you can handle it."

"I can but I don't know how long."

"I believe that she won't let it happen for long."

"But how do you know."

"Because she didn't let me suffer in the rain. She makes sure no one is suffering."

Sissy throws her arm over the edge of the bed and almost touches me. She looks hilarious with her face in her pillow and one arm under her with the other over the bed.

Her shirt has lifted to the middle of her back and I see some old scars. Scars so deep that they will always be present.

"Because she has suffered by herself for too long. That's why we need patience."

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