If You Let Us /02/17/2024

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Cicely's POV
"Okay, I have to go. Byyee."


I hear the phone hang up and I feel a feeling I haven't felt in years. I put a stop to it for a reason and it's back. I try to ignore it by scrolling on social media or playing a game on my phone. My feeble attempt lasted all of 30 minutes before I admitted defeat.

I lean over to my bedside table and open my drawer to see all of my toys laid out the same way I left them when I last used them. I think about how there's no way that they would be perfectly in place after the move. Whether or not those two touched them it makes me uneasy. I almost forgot that an incubus is attached to me. What happens if I use my toys and he shows up? I would simply pass away.

I've already been kidnapped slash mooching off them by staying here, the very thought of doing something like this under their roof doesn't feel right. I don't know what powers they have yet but I don't believe for one second that they don't know everything that goes on in here.

I open the door in frustration with my phone in hand and turn to the one thing that won't make me feel guilty, at least right now. I swing open my door and go to their kitchen.

As I look through the selection of groceries, I think about how unnerving it is that this is their home but it's the dream house I've always wanted.

From the stainless steel countertops to the cream-white plush carpet. Everything here seems like it was made for me. Even though they told me I'm not trapped, that's exactly what it feels like. Especially right now.

I'm looking through the pantry and I see nothing but things that I like. The cereals are all from my childhood that I thought tasted like youth. There was every ingredient in here to cook anything I wanted. The chips are all organized from spicy to plain to sweet.

The only thing that told me that this isn't mine are the few items that I haven't seen before. Different treats from Korea and decorations that were Aztec and handmade from Mexico.

I was getting more turned on by the second knowing how much effort they put into making this house a home. Being in someone else's home never turned out well for me, not with my parents or my aunt, or even my first love.

I tried to find the anger in me so I could use it to overpower my desire but it deflated the second I heard the upstairs door open. I just snatched a family-size bag of chips from the shelf not caring what flavor they were because they were going into my gullet regardless.

I opened them and set them on the counter. I tried scrolling on my phone while eating hoping that my sex would shut up.

I hear Alteno coming this way by the jingling of his bell. The bell that means he's mine. That means my orgasm ultimately feeds him. My dirty mind didn't mind that.

I tried to keep my focus on my phone but when Alteno passed by me to go to the fridge his hair brushed my shoulder. The feathery sensation made me want to slip on my resolve but I held strong.

I was sure that I didn't let my neediness show but his face showed curiosity. It probably wouldn't turn out well for me. He's an incubus, he could probably sense my condition for all I know but I can't do anything about that.

He opened the refrigerator and grabbed a bottle of water. His presence in this kitchen was doing something to me. Both of them did whenever they were around but this was worse. I sat down on one of the stools under the kitchen island and tried to calm myself.

He passed by me again exiting the way he came in. I thought that he would go away but I never heard his bell fade into the distance. I could tell that he was standing behind me just watching. I tried to keep eating the chips hoping that he would just leave, but if he did we wouldn't be here right now.

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