At Home with Sissy /12/10/2022

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Choi's POV
When I get home Cicely isn't back yet. Since I have some time until they get back I decided to take a look around starting with that drawer of hers.

I go to her room and snatch open a Pandora's box of sex toys that she calls a nightstand. When I open it looks like a sex shop threw up in there.

There are multiple types is vibrators: wands, bullets, g- spot locators, and any more you can think of. And she has like 10 dildos. All in different colors, patterns, and shapes but none of them longer than 7 inches. Nicky and I are longer than that on soft. I hope when we do mate her that she can take us. I don't think I would be able to mate if I thought I was hurting her. She had a box of condoms that looked untouched and the same goes for a bottle of lube she had. The last thing in her drawer was anti-aphrodisiacs.

The bottle was almost empty. I remember her taking a bunch of these this morning and before she lays down to touch herself. I thought they were just vitamins. If she's taking these then my mate's arousal is a lot stronger than I thought. But how much stronger?

Let's find out.

I pour the rest of the pill bottle on the floor. "Oops." Then I was just casually walking when I accidentally stepped on them. The pills became a fine powder under my boot.

I hear Cicely pull out her keys and hurriedly crush the rest of the pills. When she opens the door, I transform into my cat form and the pill bottle clatters to the floor.

I'm entirely sure she heard the noise when she yells, "Alteno, what did you get into?"

She rushes into her bedroom to see the empty bottle on the floor and crushed pills. "Oh no. And I was almost done with these too." She picks up the bottle and the top and throws them away.

She puts her purse on the counter and comes back with a broom and dustpan. I'm sitting on the nightstand swishing my tail.

She sees the open drawer and closes it. "Bad kitty," she waved her finger at me, "I'm gonna have to put a lock on there."

Doesn't matter. I could just break the lock or pick it more likely. She sweeps the powder off the floor and throws that away as well. She might be a little upset but now I can see her pure lust.

She walks to her closet and pulls a box down from the top shelf. She sits on the bed and opens it. When I see what's inside my eyes go wide. It's an entire box of those pills.

"Good thing I buy in bulk." She opens the one and takes a handful of pills. So much for seeing her pure lust.

She goes to her purse and I follow her. I jump up on the counter next to her purse. She opens the bag and pulls out some dessert.

That can't be what I think it is. It's an ube roll. My favorite. Cicely takes the Saran Wrap off of the roll and turns around to find a knife in the kitchen. While she turns around I gently reach my paw out to touch the cake.

"Aht aht. Don't you dare touch that cake."

I put my paw down and glare at her. "You can squint at me all you want but when you're throwing up because you ate something you shouldn't have don't look at me."

She takes out a plate to cut herself a piece. Once a nice piece is cut, she puts the cake in the refrigerator and I sneak a bite from the plate. When she sees me she puts a hand on her hip.

"Really? You think I can't see that big ass bite you took. And you have frosting on your face."

She takes a paper towel and wipes my face and throws away the cake. "I would've never thought I had a cat with a sweet tooth."

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