Rainy Nights

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Choi's POV

I'm sitting in a cold wet alleyway and in all honesty, I don't remember how I got here.

I made my way into the house after Nicky did. My body was exhausted but the hunger wouldn't allow me to sleep.

I laid down on the couch staring at the floor for hours. I heard Nicky's alarm go off and he started bustling around getting ready for work.

He eventually came downstairs ready to leave. He grabbed his keys off the wall and kissed me on my forehead. He opened the door and said, "I love you, Choi." And then he was gone.

I laid there for I don't know how long. The hunger distracted me from the time. I couldn't think about anything except my hunger. That was the only thing my mind could focus on.

It felt like a constant gnawing at my insides that I couldn't settle. I was in so much pain. At that point, I wanted to feed from anyone.

But I can't. Nicky will feed me when he gets home. I just have to wait

I thought that a walk would do me good. I was only supposed to be out for an hour or so so I didn't think I would need my phone.

But the hunger was so mind-numbing that I forgot why I was outside or where I was going in the first place.

I had just kept on walking. I had no idea where I was going.

Soon enough it was dark and I was in an area that I had never been to before.

I sat down hoping to remember where I had come from but then it started raining.

My faded mint hair had started to get stringy from the rain and my body temperature was dropping quickly.

I looked out into the street for anyone to feed off of. Just enough so I could get back.

On the street, there was barely anyone out in this rain. Anyone who had arousal wasn't horny enough for me to take some.

There were a couple of good options for men but they looked straight and I wasn't in the right mind to compel them.

I was starting to lose hope as the crowd started to thin out. I shouldn't have waited so long to tell Nicky. I'm just so cold and hungry.

That's when I caught the scent. The arousal in this person was strong like a never-ending fire. It was like hot cinnamon.

Then I saw her. She had a big afro, a curvy body you could see even with the trenchcoat on, and big brown eyes. And she had a really kind aura so was sure she could help me.

I didn't want to scare her by being a stranger on the street in wet clothes. And I usually look pretty good when I'm fed but I'm sure that I look like a skeleton.

So used what little energy I had left to morph into a cat. I had black fur and was relatively small so had to catch her attention.

I tried to walk over to her but was moving so slowly. It was excruciating to simply put one paw in front of the other.

I tried to keep going but my body gave out from under me and I fell over.

"Oh my god, you poor little kitty." She ran up to me and picked me up, wet and all. "Oh, you're so cold." She put me in her coat against her big breasts. She was so warm.

"Where's your collar, little guy." She lifted my neck to see if I had a collar. Her fingers were so soft and light on my fur.

She didn't find a collar. I would never let anyone collar me. Except for Nicky but he never tried to.

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