Dreamscape /11/25/2022

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Choi's POV
Seeing Cicely so helpless is heartbreaking. I hardly know my mate but our bond made me want to protect her. She's my love and we were all made for each other. Nicky healed me now it's our time to heal her.

I never imagined that this would be running through Cicely's head. Whenever she's near me she's so cheerful and kind but I'm starting to see what's underneath the surface.

"Our mate doesn't do too well in her head."

"Yeah, we have to be careful how we bring this up with her. She doesn't need to know we've been in her head."

"She'll already know when she sees your human form and connects it to this dream."

"But still."

"Let's put a pin in it for now. Let's bring her out of this for now."

We walk around in the dark of her mind until we find her. She's looking out into the dark with colors flashing across her eyes. She's currently experiencing a dream.

Nicky walks up behind her and whispers in her ear.

"Hey, pretty lady. Look at me, please?" He crosses his around their neck and pushes their face to look at him.

When their eyes meet the colors stop.

"Wanna have some fun?" Cicely smiles and nods their head. Nicky nudges his head toward me. "Our boy has been very bad lately. You wanna show him what happens to boys who disobey?"

Cicely looks at me with fire in her eyes and my body starts heating up. She looks me up and down slowly.

"He must be a very bad boy to not be in submissive position."

I flinch and drop down to my knees at her feet with my hands resting on my thighs. She chuckles. "He learns fast."

"Maybe but he doesn't seem to retain it since he keeps forgetting his place", Nicky says leaning over her shoulder.

"Don't worry, sweets. I'll make sure he doesn't forget. Are you allowed to look at me, little one?"

I shake my head no and look back at her feet. They are small and brown like the rest of her skin. Her toes have glitter polish on them. Sparkly.

She lifts her foot and puts it on my bare chest. I don't remember being naked. She has good control here, meaning I have less. She pushes me down until I'm lying down.

Her foot is warm against my beating heart. She doesn't even know it's theirs. And I'll let her do whatever she wants to it.

"You are very lucky I'm in a good mood today so I'll forgive your slip-up. What do we say?"

"Thank you, mistress," I say this by reflex. It's been so long since I've had a woman dom me.

"Ew no." She opens her legs over me and bends down so our noses touch. "I much prefer mommy."

"Yes, mommy." She smiles at me and looks back at Nicky.

In their dreamscape, Cicely wears a red skirt that's to her knees and a plain white shirt. I can see up their skirt while her legs are still open but there's nothing there. No underwear and no genitalia.

I don't know why her subconscious did away with her genitals. I expected at least underwear but there's nothing there but blank space.

"Is he always this quiet."

"Not at all, Cicely. Just keep going."

She turns around and sits on my stomach so I can't see what she's doing. "Put your hands flat on my back. If you move your hands your punishment will be longer."

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