Let's Get White Girl Wasted /01/15/2023

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Cicely's POV
I pull up to Club Ecstasy with Kiersten in the passenger seat. I haven't been out in years and I have no idea what's going to happen when I go in this building.

"You got this, Sissy. I know it's been a while but I'll be there whenever you need me. Just say the word and we'll leave."

"Let's leave."

"Haha very funny. You're doing this."

"It was worth a shot."

I take the keys out of the ignition and head in with Kiersten right behind me so I can't run last second. I lock eyes with the bouncer


I carelessly look through my purse for a couple seconds. "Oops oh well. Looks like I don't have it so we can't go in. So sad. Let's go."

Kiersten snatches my purse from me. She opens it and the first thing she sees is my I.D. She pulls it out and has the bouncer check it along with hers.

"You're not getting off that easily." She holds my hand and drags me in behind her.

She takes me to the bar and calls over the bartender."Can you get them something strong but make sure it tastes good."

After making some other drinks that were before us, the bartender puts a red drink in front of me. Kiersten signals for me to take a sip. I take a small swig and surprisingly it's really sweet so I down the whole thing.

"Good girl. Make sure you keep them coming." Kiersten walks away to talk to some dude. When she comes back, she reaches in her bra and pulls out a blue pill. I take the pill from her hand.

"What's this?"

"This place isn't called ecstasy for no reason, Sis."

I put the pill in my mouth and take it with the same red drink the bartender just put in front of me again.

"You sure that was a good idea taking that pill with your drink?"

"Shit whatever happens happens. You know I can handle anything."

"Okay I just hope you can still walk to the car because I am not gonna have the bouncer carry you out again."

"That was one time. I got this."

Kiersten nods her head and takes one too but she has hers with water. While I'm waiting for the drug to kick in, I take in my surroundings. The lights are a magenta purple and there's a fog over everything from a bunch of people trying to hotbox the place.

And speaking of hotbox, the amount of bodies in the room was making it swelter. I've just barely stepped in and I feel like I'm going to sweat out my makeup. People were bumping and grinding to T-Pain Up Down and mens' hands were wondering to places they really shouldn't be but the girls were loving every second of it.

Kiersten and I only like to party on the black side of the city because the drugs are easy to get, the music is always on point and it's less likely for us to get roofied here. LESS likely.

The clubs are also usually filled with our people. There are some Hispanic people in here but we basically see them just like us. White people do find their way here from time to time but they're never the "respectable" type.

Every now and then you'll catch a man with either a black girl fetish/preference here though often they can't tell the difference. Outside of those categories, anyone else is a rarity. The last time I was here there was ONE asian man there, but he was a shooter just like his friends and I don't fool with them.

Tonight was just like any other night. Mainly black and Hispanic people and a few white friends who envy or wanna be hood. So it seems like a good night if nobody shoot the place up. But I'd rather be shot at then date raped any day.

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