Well Shit /02/19/2023

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Cicely's POV
I make my way upstairs to my apartment. I get out my keys and on the other side of the door, I hear Alteno's bell and him meowing.

I open the door and there's my little black void. I scoop him up in my arms and pet him. He purrs softly in my arms.

I hold him as I go through the apartment locking and closing all the windows. I also lock the door behind me. Something seems off about tonight so I check them twice.

I grab my nightgown and some fresh underwear and go to take a bath. Tonight I'm not bothered that my cat's eyes are too human so I'm leaving the door open.

I run my bath water with vanilla bubbles and salts. Alteno sits on the counter and looks at his reflection in the mirror the whole time I undress.

Once I'm submerged in the tub does he realize that I'm still here. He watches me sit in the tub swaying his tail.

I allow myself to sink in the tub. I needed this today. The only thing that could've made it worse was if my ex showed up.

I open my eyes and my bathroom candles have gone down significantly. I see Alteno has moved to the corner of my bed.

I get out the tub and put on my clothes. Something feels off so I check my door and all the windows again. All of them are closed so I turn on my fan and put on my bonnet and get in bed hoping sleep will welcome me.

Alteno's POV
I'm sitting on the edge of the bed while Cicely sleeps. Well trying to. She keeps tossing and turning and she's not getting comfortable.

I don't think anything of it because this happens sometimes.

I hear someone at the door but they have a key so it must be her friend. Whoever it is walks in but they don't say anything and don't turn on any lights.

All they do is sit down.

And they're waiting.

Cicely obviously can't sleep so she gets up. She walks to the kitchen and I follow her but she doesn't notice the person on the couch.

I smell the person and it's the man who had his filthy hands on Cicely. I hiss at him.

Cicely thinks I'm hissing at nothing while she grabs a water bottle from the fridge.

"Alteno please calm down."

"A nice voice you have when you're not yelling at me."

He turns on the lamp next to the couch. He sits facing away from us so we can't see his face.

"How the hell did you get in here?"

He stands up and walks up to her. He takes off her bonnet and throws it on the floor and her hair falls over her shoulders. He plays with her hair.

"That's not your concern, baby. Just know that I kept my promise to find you."

"Well, so far your promises have been shit." She slaps his hand off her and I get in between them.

He chuckles at her anger. "You need to leave."

"Or what? And there is a wrong answer bitch."

I want to do something but I can't give up my secret. At least not now.

"You need to get out of my house or you won't be leaving with your life."

He steps back toward the couch. "Is that right?"

He smirks and wipes his face. "I don't like the way you're talking to me, baby. You need to watch your mouth."

He pulls out a gun with a silencer and points it at Cicely. I hiss and he looks down at me.

"I'll do whatever I damn well please. It's my fucking house and I pay the bills."

"Is that how you want to play it?"

"Yup so do it, pussy."

He pulls the trigger and I couldn't just do nothing.

I took the bullet since I knew I would be fine. In my human form, Cicely looks a lot smaller than I thought. At the gym, she looks so much different than at home.

I look down at my chest and I'm fine but my compression shirt isn't.


I take the gun from the guy and crush it in my hand. I punch him in the face and he flies into the wall unconscious.

I made sure he didn't hit anything because Cicely put a lot of thought into her decorations and she loves her plants.

I turn to look at Cicely and she's frozen in shock. I reach out to touch her but she moves her shoulder. She shakes her head and crouches to the floor.

Alteno: Nicky we have a problem.

Nicky: What happened?

Alteno: Just get here

Nicky teleports next to me. He looks around the room and sees Cicely on the floor.

"Well shit. What do we do?"

"You think I know. I called you so maybe you could help."

"It was your idea not to tell her. If we did then maybe this wouldn't have happened."

"It's too late for this conversation now. What are we supposed to do with the unconscious dude and a Cicely in shock."

"Call the police."

We look down at our mate who looks so small in the corner.

"Call the police and tell them that you were in the area and heard shouting and came to help. I know any police officers who might show up so they won't ask any questions."

We looked at her unmoving. The words she said were the least of it. We were surprised that she didn't question us.

"Did you hear me? Call the police."

"Her phone is next to her bed on the nightstand."

Nicky went to her room and called the authorities. I crouched down and tried to touch her again but she flinched away.

I put my hand down and went to lean on the back of the couch. She just sat there looking at me. She didn't blink a single time.

Nicky was done talking on the phone and stood next to me.

Nicky: How's she doing?

Alteno: Better than what could've happened. At least she didn't scream or try to run.

Nicky: Do you think we should tell her all of it?

Jax: I don't know about that big guy. That might be too much right now, especially after the day she's had.

Alteno: let's just be honest and whatever she asks is what we'll tell her.

Outside the window, we hear sirens and see blue and red lights. Looks like there's no going back from this.

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