Mr. Boss Man

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Cicely's POV

I walk into the building with the cake in my arms. I can't believe Mr. Kim remembered. Even I almost forgot about it.

Mrs. Kim had made it for their son when he came home since he loved it when he was a kid. But when he came back apparently that wasn't so true anymore. Since they didn't just want to throw it away, they offered it to me and I may have mentioned that it was my favorite.

As I walk into the building, I see Geoffery with a stupid smirk on his face. "So are you going hunting in the jungle for your badge again?"

"Ha jokes on you today it's around my neck" I lift my badge and see Geoffery nod his head in respect while he scans my badge.

"My mistake. I will make sure never to make such a mistake again in front of the glorious handsome woman ever again."

"Serena Williams is in here. Where is she," I joke as I look around with fake excitement.

Geoffrey laughs with me at my joke. "Nice one. But don't sell yourself short. You do look handsome. A beauty like yours is special."

"What's up with everyone telling me I'm special today? Earlier Mr. Kim said it too."

"Welp he is wiser than me. It's best we listen to him."

I step into the elevator and press the button for my floor. Once I get off, I head to the break room to put the ube roll in the refrigerator. I put it on the top shelf behind everything so Brittany doesn't feel the need to ask who it belongs to.

"Hi, Cicely."

I jump at the sound of Brittany's voice. I stand up and turn my back to the open refrigerator to look at her.

"I know you love food so much but you can't just sit in front of the fridge like that. You're wasting electricity."

She walks out of the break room. Maybe I should put a bell on her instead of Alteno.

I walk to the office to my little cubicle. Like always, Keirsten is already settled in before me.

"Morning my thick and luscious best friend."

"Morning my choco coconut candy yam."

Kiersten gasps. "You spoil me miss. Nothing could sour my day now."

"You sure? I'm pretty sure Brittany will be on a rampage now that I found the error."

"She'll be ight. Her light skinned-ness will protect her"

"Yeah right. Let's just hope I stay off of her radar today."

I sit down in my chair and clock in. After I'm settled in, I feel someone tap on my shoulder. I turn in my chair and see David with a plastic cup.

"Morning, Cicely. I heard you found the error that Jared made. I brought you some blue pea tea to congratulate you."

"Aww thanks, David this is just what I needed." I reach out and take the cup from him. "But I don't think I should be congratulated on finding dirt on our manager."

"You're right. I just can't believe he was hiding money. He's always been nice."

"Nice is different than good. And sometimes people succumb to greed."

"It's really sad. I can't imagine what happens when Nicky comes in today."

Speak of the devil and you'll summon him. The man of our conversation steps in. He looks different today. Is that joy I see on his face? He looks so... so... I can't put my finger on it. He seems like a weight has been lifted.

He was so angsty yesterday and now you would think he had a great morning instead of a good one. The question is with who.

Ahh, I get it now. Mr. Professional got him some tail. Enough to make him seem almost human. Whoever they are if I meet them, I'll congratulate them on their great work.

He looks to the back of the room at me and David, our hands still on the cup of tea. When David notices he's looking at us he lets go.

"I'll talk to you later, Cicely"

"Sure thing, hun"

David walks away trying to hide his red cheeks with his hair. It's fun to mess with him. He changes colors so easily. If I was bold enough, he would be my first plaything, and oh the games we would play.

Brittany goes up to Nicky at the front already trying to find her way into his bed, his pants, and probably his wallet while she was at it.

"Hello, Nicky. It's an amazing morning isn't it." She asked as she said as she grabbed his arm.

He peeled Brittany's hand off his elbow. "Please remember the sexual harassment regulations, Ms. Pierce."

"Oh, you were serious about that."

"This is a business Ms. Pierce and you are an employee."

Brittany's face turned sour. She stared at him and Nicky didn't hold back. He starred right back. They had a staring contest that thickened the air in the room until she huffed and went back to her seat.

"Alright everyone," he announced. "Today you all will be continuing your previous work. Since office gossip travels fast, I'm sure you know Jared Andrez is no longer with us and his position is vacant. Until I find someone worthy of his position, I will oversee the accounting division until further notice. And-," he paused as he looked at me.

"Cicely Maroon as you have found Mr. Andrez's unfortunate acts you will be revising all of the documents I entrusted to him." He stopped like he was done.

He connected eyes with David. "In my office." He turned his head to me and connected with my eyes. "We wouldn't want more problems to arise should your work be negligent. That won't be a problem will it, Cicely."

"No sir."

"Good." He clapped his hand and rubbed them together. "I already have the files in my office. Get your things."

God what an asshat. Looks like Brittany won't be backing off me any time soon. I grab my bag and the cup David gave me and head to the front.

"After you." He held out his arm for me to walk out first. I look back at Kiersten and scream with my eyes. She covers her mouth with her hand to cover up her laughing.

THIS IS SO NOT FUNNY. It doesn't matter. I'll get her later. I walk into the hallway and turn to Mr. Boss Man see him squint at David before he joins me in the hallway.

"Lead the way, Sissy." His eyes sparkle when he says my nickname. I start the way to the elevator feeling his eyes watch me the entire time.

Strangely, his gaze doesn't feel uncomfortable. I find myself liking that he's only looking at me.

My badge drops at my feet. I swore it was around my neck.

I bend over to pick it up and as I'm reaching for it I feel a phantom hand slide from the back of my thigh to cup my ass. When I stand fully upright the hand feeling is gone.

What the actual hell? My sexual frustration has reached a new low. And guess who's turned on at work.


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