Gym Rat /02/19/2023

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Cicely's POV
I don't even bother going home to change, I head straight to the gym after work.

Mr. Boss Man did something to me today and I feel so confused. My body betrayed me. All the training I went through was for nothing.

I park and lay my head on the headrest. I close my eyes and try to remember what happened.

He grabbed my neck and I dropped all the paper. His hand grazed my breast and I leaned into his hand. His hands roamed over my body and the more he touched me the more I was trying to tear my shirt off.

My hands were shaking so badly that I couldn't get a good grip on it. He was almost in between my legs but I didn't want him to stop. I wanted him to continue and I opened my legs.

I sit up and scream in my car. Ain't no fucking way that happened. What is wrong with me? I have never wanted to be touched like that before.

Feeling his hand on me again is all I can think about now.

Calm, Sissy. Calm. I try to keep my head on my shoulders.

I open my eyes and see that purple-haired guy walk in again. He's wearing another compression turtleneck but he's wearing sweatpants this time.

I have to see what's up with this guy.

I walk in a little after him not to seem suspicious. Trixy is talking with her brother behind the counter.

"Hey, Trixy. What's going on?"

"Uhh, we're trying to figure out how to pay rent this month."

"Why? Both of your paychecks cover it right."

Brian speaks this time, "Our mom skipped town again and this time she took half my salary with her."

"How much was it?"

"Over 600."

I take out my wallet and get my checkbook. I write them a check for 700. "Here you go. Use it wisely."

"Sorry, Sis. I can't take that from you. We're not a charity."

"Shit I can." Trixy takes the check from me. "Bro we don't even have groceries right now. We don't have the luxury of letting our pride get in the way."

"I'll pay you back, Sis. I promise."

"Don't worry about it. You're already paying enough for taking care of your sister and your mom's problems. Speaking of, how many days are you now?"

"11 months and 28 days."

"That's good. I'm very proud of you, Brian." I hold his hand to let him know that I mean it. He nods his head. His mom was never around long enough to fix a sandwich let alone to be proud of him.

Everyone deserves to feel important. I try my best to be that to everyone because there were too many days where I was treated like I wasn't.

"Trixy is my belt in."

"Yeah, Sissy. Want me to help you put it on?"

"I got it this time, squirt. Talk to your brother."

I walk off to my favorite squat rack which just happens to be right next to the Asian guy. He was curling a bar with 320 on it.

I could totally beat that in squats. No, I couldn't. But today my senses were somewhere far away.

I put my belt on and put 400 on the rack. I got underneath it and did one squat before I couldn't get back up. I was about to panic for my dear life but the Asian guy got behind me.

"Hold on I got ya." His chest was against me and he squat down to meet me. I could feel his dick through his pants and he wasn't hard at all.

My stomach was starting to flutter because of the position we were in and the weights that were about to take me out.

He took most of the weight off of me and guided me back to the rack. Once it was safely on, I bent over panting.

"You gotta be more careful lifting heavy, miss. Who knows what would've happened if I wasn't here."

I chuckled. "Most likely nothing since I wanted to be cocky and lift more than you."

I stand up to thank him. "I'm sorry I'm not like that often today was just a weird day. Thank you for helping me."

"No problem, miss."

"You don't have to call me, miss. My name's Cicely, my friends call me Sissy." I hold my hand out for him to shake. "What's yours?"

"Umm just call me Choi." Our hands touch and I feel that same sensation from Mr. Hernandez but this time I pull my hands back like I was burned.

I look down at my hand and back at the man in front of me. He looks like he didn't notice anything. I'm probably tripping.

"You okay, Cicely?"

"Yeah yeah you just shocked me a little bit is all. I'll be fine."

"You sure? Maybe you should take a break on the bench just to be safe."

"Nope. I'm all good. Thanks again though."

I walk away from him cutting our conversation short. I give Trixy my belt and leave. With that guy there I don't think that I'm ever going to get a full workout in.

But now I see why he's Mr. Hernandez's plaything. But if they're together why is he messing around with me? That guy is weird as hell.

Even if they're poly I'm sure there are rules and stuff involved in that and I'm pretty sure getting a side without telling the other is a bad thing. I am not about to be turned into a home wrecker.

They could just be fuck buddies or maybe their just good friends.

I laugh to myself. I couldn't believe that last one even if I tried. The vibe around those guys screams everything but platonic.

But they both make me feel the same about them. Now that they both have touched me it sets my skin ablaze. I want them to have their way with me and if just their hands can do that then what about other body parts?

I let myself enjoy the thought for a second before reality hits again.

Neither of those guys will find you attractive 1. Because they seem gay and 2. I am the furthest from their type.

Mr. Hernandez just wants to fuck me and Choi {I think that's what his name is} doesn't even know anything about me except I'm crazy competitive because I almost killed myself with weights.

They don't know anything about me personally at all. Like, imagine if they saw me in a bald cap or in my BONNET with drool on my face.

Oh and if that wasn't enough to run them away then my grandma nightgowns definitely will. I am not a lingerie girl.

I'm very underqualified for the title of a girlfriend when it comes to them.

But a girl can imagine you know. I shake my head and just start the car.

I have the perfect partner at home and he's a black cat with a blue bell. He's all the love I need in my life right now.

I've had enough excitement for today. I just want to go home and sleep the awkwardness away.

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