Where Have You Been!?

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Nicky's POV

It's been a whole day since I've seen Choi and I'm torn up from the inside out. I haven't slept and even though I don't need to do it, I can't think about food because Choi liked eating more than me.

I haven't showered and I'm so worried about where he is or if someone has taken advantage of him. He can't find another person like Trina.

I came to work today because I can't miss the meeting with the investors. My assistant told me that my clothes were sloppy, my hair looked terrible and she said my piercing might be infected (I'm a demon so I can't have an infection so it's just a flare-up)


He always comes back. What had him so occupied that he hasn't come back to me?

I feel the energy shift in the room and I know he's back.

I pop my head up from my desk and all I see is Choi's face.

I rush out of my desk. I hear my chair crash into the wall but I don't care.

I run to Choi and grab his face in my hands and kiss him as hard as I can knocking the breath out of him. I wrap my arms around him and bury my head in his shoulder. I don't want to ever want to let him go again.

"Wow, did you really miss me that much?"

"Yes, I missed you that much. I was so worried. Don't you ever do that again. Where the hell were you?"

"Well, Nicky, that's a long story. You better sit down for this."

I lift my head from his shoulder and then I see/hear it. There's a bell hanging from his neck attached to a collar.

I see why he didn't come back to me and my mind goes blank at the repercussions.

I sit in one of the chairs in front of my desk and run my hand over my forehead. What did he get into while he was out?

Choi hasn't said anything yet because he's nervous so he's busy looking down at his hands and playing with his fingers.

Waiting for him to speak I see all the signs I didn't notice before he left.

He had dyed his hair but it faded too quickly and became dry and brittle. His cheeks had sunken in a good amount. His eyes stopped shining like they used to and the bags had dulled them even more.

I remember he kept trying to ask me something but when he tried something from work pulled me away. And when he said it was okay like an idiot I didn't think twice about it.

That hair color he had is completely gone now and his purple hair is back but not as shiny as it would be if he fed from someone supernatural. His bags are gone and his eyes are so much brighter. His cheeks have mostly filled out and look a little rosy.

Regular humans can't fill him to this extent but it's not enough to be a being like us. Regular humans tire easily and don't last long. Maybe he found a half-blood or a distant descendant of someone powerful.

"Choi, what have you done? I can't believe you let someone collar you especially right when I found our mate-"

"I found our mate," we said at the same time.

"What? How did you find her? You were in no position to be aware she was around."

"If you let me explain what happened when I left you'll find out." So Choi tells Nicky what happened two nights ago. About the rain, the cold, the nice woman, and her insatiable sex drive. At last, he gets to the part where she collared him.

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