Only For Them /01/16/2023

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Nicky's POV
After Alteno makes it home and gets dressed, there's a knock on our door and only one person would show up this late.

I open the front door and there she is. "What do you want, Kendall."

"What? I can't see my favorite cousin every once in a while."

"You could if you didn't show up almost every week."

Alteno comes down the stairs in his outfit. "Okay let's go."

"Go where," she asks

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"Go where," she asks. "And since when do you put your hair up?"

"I used to always put my hair up but I didn't because I was always at home."

"Wherever you guys are going I want to go too."

We don't have time to make sure that she doesn't kill or injure someone."No."

"Come on, Nicky. You know I'm the life of the party. Pleeeease." She pokes her bottom lip out and gives me puppy dog eyes.

"Let's just let her come. You know she's going to follow us there anyway."

"Fine but you watch her and if anything goes wrong I'll kill her."

"Hey don't do that. I actually have a job now so I can't take a week off to regenerate."

"Don't care. You better act right."

"Yo no haría otra cosa cuh"

"Si segura." I roll my eyes. " Let's go."

"Wait 'let's go'? Cuz you not even dressed."

"What's wrong with what I have on." I look down at my clothes and I have on a dark blue t-shirt and jeans with white air forces.

"Nothing if you were BORING." I side-eye Kendall.

"How come your boyfriend dresses better than you do."

"Look here, tagalong. I sit in an office all day in a suit. When I go out I wear whatever I want."

"See what I mean, Choi. Boring."

"Actually it's Alteno now." Kendall actually looks at Alteno and finally notices it. She gasps and covers her mouth.

"Oh, my god. You're collared and someone named you." She squeals with excitement. " And that's who y'all are going out for. Oh yeah, I have to meet them. But question?"

"Yeah?" Alteno says.

"Why does it have a bell on it? Do they have a kink for that or something?"

Alteno rubs the back of his neck and the bell rings. "That's a long story. I'll tell you in the car."

We all go outside to my truck but Kendall stops by her car and takes a bag out of her trunk. "Really Kendall?"

"What? You think I'm going anywhere in these rags? Please."

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