Meeting Jaxon /03/25/2023

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Cicely's POV

Once I hear what I thought was my boss and my cat leave out my door I go to my closet. I open the door and step in. I close the door behind me and don't bother even turning on my light. I crouch down on the floor and do the one thing I'm all too used to.

I cry.

I cry my little heart out. I cry until my eyes burn. I cry until my throat is raw. I cry until my chest hurts. Then for good measure I cry some more.

I am exhausted with my body, with my life, with all the stupid fucking surprises that come my way. All I wanted was a pet. All I wanted was a boring office job. All I wanted was to be left alone and I can't even have that.

To think that I brought in someone who was watching every aspect of my life. Just a small cat I said. I would've been better off with a snake. At least then it would've been fitting.

I lay on my side on the floor and continued to cry. Then my boss is somewhat like him. It doesn't bother me that they're supernatural beings. What makes my skin crawl is that they gave me the illusion that I was safe. That I had a choice but either one of them could overpower me if they wanted to.

He trapped me in that closet with him and anything could've happened. Even if I wanted to put up a fight it would be pointless. I would have no way to protect myself.

The scariest thing was I didn't feel a need to. When he touched me, I wanted to give in. When the cat laid in my bed I felt safe. I haven't felt truly safe in a long time and these two are getting too close.

I don't want anyone close to me that isn't Kiersten. My best friend was all I thought I needed but that cat brought me comfort. He was watching me in my own home and I let it happen and it didn't bother me.

They were slipping past my guards that took years to build and they were doing it too easily. When I got home I looked forward to hearing Alteno's little bell. This whole time it was never a cat.

To make matters worse, I technically own and am still responsible for the thing. I have to feed it and if we're separated too long it'll just come right back.

What has my life come to.

This shit is hopeless and I have nowhere to go so the only thing left to do is cry. I cry an ugly cry with snot bubbles and all. It's getting harder and harder to breathe but I don't stop. My eyes sting so bad that I have to close them but I keep crying.

Life hurts too much for me. I can't have anything I want and nothing goes right for me. I try to get back up and every time I think I'm better I get pushed back down. My life is pathetic.

I'm alone and crying on my nice carpet floor. I know that it could be worse but I already feel like I'm in hell.

I hear my phone alarm go off in the living room. I slowly crawl to it where Mr. Hernandez left it on the couch.

I check my notifications and there's a text from Kiersten. She's calling out of work today because she went out on a date last night and whatever she ate gave her the runs.

Oh yeah. Work.

The place where my two stalkers are sure to be. It doesn't matter. I have to make money to live my shitty pathetic worthless life.

I get up and get dressed. I picked out a white turtleneck, gray sweatpants, and my white air forces. I grab my keys and ditch my purse today. I don't have enough energy to talk let alone carry my huge purse.

I think about brushing my teeth and hair but that looks like far too much effort. I finger comb my hair and just leave. I don't remember if I locked my door or not, but I usually do so I trusted myself.

I pass Mr. Kim's shop without even slowing down, I'm not hungry. I left my main badge in my purse so I used the spare in my car. I use the side door today because I can't look at Geoffrey's cheery face. I get into the elevator and reach my floor.

"Hi hi, Cicely. Why do you look so sloppy today? You really should care more about your appearance. And some eyedrops wouldn't hurt either."

I look Brittany up and down. She's dressed to the 9s like usual and today I didn't feel like keeping my opinion to myself.

"Some of us have better things to do at work than slut ourselves out to a man who looks at us like a dirty garbage horsefly. You look like you slept your way into your position and did it happily."

I leave Brittany to her mindless babbling, trying to come up with a comeback but all she has is different ways to call me fat in one way or another.

I log into my computer and clock in for another uneventful, pitiful work day.

It's time for me to clock out and start leaving. I do clock out and I decide to use the building stairs to exit. But I go down one flight of stairs and look up.

I realize that I never have been to the roof and I wonder if the door is even open. I start climbing the stairs all the way to the top. I see the roof door and it does have a keyhole on it. I test the knob and see if it's open and it gives.

On the top of the roof, I see a helipad area. It's probably for Mr. Hernandez's many helicopters. I cross over it to the railing and stand on it.

I look down at the street below me and see the moving lights. It's a long way down from here and there wouldn't be anyone to save me.

This has been a long time coming. My life seems so hopeless standing up here. The pain I have been through is unbearable. I walk through life ignoring everything that hurts me, but ignoring it doesn't make it go away.

My family, my relationships, my job, and even my pet.

Not a single thing has made me happy except Kiersten. I'll miss her and she'll miss me

But she'd also be the most understanding so will Mr. and Mrs. Kim and Micheal.

I want the pain to stop and right now this is how.

Looks like I'll be living my anime fall dreams today.

I lift my foot over the edge and prepare to fall. I'm ready to let go.

I slip off the building and the thought of finally dying makes me feel relieved.

For a split second, everything felt right when I was about to die but just like my fucking life something got in my way.

"Sweetness, if you wanted to go flying all you had to do was ask."

I open my eyes and I'm on top of this huge beast with obsidian black skin that was cracked with red spirals over its entire body. It's body was heavily muscled and firm wherever you touched and it was hot. It felt like a hot summer day.

Just touching it I was sweating all over and it made me regret wearing sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt.

I scream my head off and try to jump off of this thing. To somehow twist the fuck out of its jaw like grip.

"Hush, sweetness. I'd like to make you scream in different ways but right now is not the time."

"What the hell are you?"

"Think of me as your personal airplane. I can take you to the highest skys of your life, princess. All you have to do is ask."

"How did you even know to catch me?"

"I know many things. I knew what you were thinking when you jumped off and I even know what you're thinking right now."

Cicely: So you'll put me down right.

"No can do, gorgeous. When my mate puts themselves in danger, it's time for me to step in. You'll be listening to me from now on."

Cicely: The day I listen to you is the day I get penis penetrated.

"That can be arranged."

"Are you Australian or something. Who even says mate in the U.S.?"

"All will be explained in due time, my dear. Now hang on tight. You're gonna love this."

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