Monday Morning /02/18/2023

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Cicely's POV
My alarm beeps in the morning announcing the day of shame I'm sure to have at the hands of my handsome boss. Today will be hell on Earth.

I get out of bed and walk to my bathroom mirror. I look like shit. I have dark circles and drool dried on my cheek and sleep marks on my forehead.

For once I'll actually have to put makeup on for work.

I take my shower and on my way out I trip over Alteno. I almost fell but I caught the wall.

"God damn it. Bro move you little shit." I move him aside with my foot but he just comes back and brushes against my legs. I roll my eyes and go to my vanity.

I do my face as best as I can. I even baked today and I never do that. Alteno jumps on my vanity and tries to lick my face.

"Hey, no. Stop." He stops and instead tries to touch my face. I giggle at his attempts and continue getting ready. Today was the day that would decide how my career would go.

I can't dress like I didn't care and make it seem like I don't regret my actions and I couldn't be over the top and become Brittany 2.0.

Welp, a white button-down shirt and leggings it is and I add my handy white Air Forces. I still have my wig laid so I brush it out and add two pearl hear clips in.

 I still have my wig laid so I brush it out and add two pearl hear clips in

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I grab my coat and my purse and kiss Alteno goodbye on my way out. I walk down the stairs to my car like I wasn't completely terrified of what my boss was going to do to me. I was brand new and I was already in trouble

I unlock my door, get in and start the ignition. For a brief moment I think about stopping at Mr. Kim's and the fear of possibly being late scared me but I know I'm several minutes early so I go anyway.

I park in my usual spot and right next to it and I see a car that I haven't seen in ages. He's back!

I rush out of my car and to the door. The sign says closed for the day and I know it's true. I go to the back of the shop and take out my spare key.

I turn the key and right there at the table with Mr. and Mrs. Kim is their son in the flesh.

"Well, I'll be. Is that my Sissy?"

"And is that my little Monkey?"

I open my arms and he runs from his seat to pick me up in a giant hug and spins me. I let out a truly genuine laugh because Monkey was the only man around who had tried and SUCCEEDED in picking me up with ease.

"Oh my gosh, Micheal. Why didn't you tell me you were coming home?"

"I wanted it to be a surprise, Sissy. Plus I knew you would take the whole day off work. Dad told me about your new job and we can't have you taking off days."

"Oh hush skipper. I know you're not supposed to be back until November."

"I had to see my big sis right." He kisses the top of my head.

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