Girls Night Out /01/01/2023

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Cicely's POV
Lord, it's been two weeks since I've had to sit in my boss's office and review every single piece of paper that Jared ever touched.

I'm finally back in my cubicle next to Kiersten but things haven't completely gone back to normal. For the past 3 days since I've come back, Mr. Hernandez has found a way to come down here.

We never interacts directly but he's usually looking at me or will find a way to "accidentally" touch me. It's never blatantly obvious. It's more like he'll turn around and his back will touch my elbow. To anyone, you wouldn't even notice it. I could be paranoid though and making it all up in my head.

This is a man who has money to burn and looks that even male models would be jealous of. This seems very schoolyard if his goal is to get me in his bed.

But like I said I could be very wrong and everything is a coincidence. My overthinking does get out of hand sometimes.

Kiersten and I head to the restroom together on our break. We don't really do anything but piss and gossip in there. It's the one place where we avoid Brittany because she's too prissy to use the work restroom.

"I can't believe working in his office was really that boring. Aside from hitting on you, I expected much better."

Kiersten rambles on as I'm sitting on the toilet in the stall.

"I mean come on. The way he was looking at you as you walked out the door was definitely nothing innocent."

"I mean I don't know what you expect." I fold up my tissue in a neat little square and wipe myself front to back. "He is our CEO. Just because he finds me attractive doesn't mean he is willing to throw away regulations over it."

I stand up and pull up my black slacks then turn around and flush the toilet with my foot. I open the door and go to the sink.

"But Cicely admit it. His hitting on you was the most action I've seen you get in a while. Even with the petty dates you used to go on, he is the most eligible."

"He is," I say washing my hands, "But in the long run I don't see it working out. He looks like he has no personality and the whole higher position thing doesn't do it for me. I don't need him holding anything over my head if we get into an argument." I grab some paper towels and dry my hands. Before I throw away the paper towels, I use them to pull the door handle.

"Uhh, your comfort zone is starting to become a pain in my ass. Even if you don't date when was the last time you had fun and no buying a sex toy doesn't count."


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"Yeah, that's what the fuck I thought. Come to the club with me tonight. And if you not dressed when I come to your door we gone have a problem."

"Ight ight. Damn. What should I wear?"

"Ion know but you always dress the best. Just wear something slutty."

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