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Cicely's POV
I successfully got a collar on my new kitty but all that chasing him around surely tired me out.

After I got the collar off of him, I turned on my speaker and started playing my music starting with Revenge by Mariah the Scientist.

Work has been tearing me apart and running after Alteno didn't make it better. I need a break. I pick up my favorite vanilla bath salts from my dresser and my lavender body scrub and went to the bathroom.

I sit on the toilet cover and reach over and put the stopper in the tub. I sprinkle the tub with my bath salts and fill the tub to a semi-too-hot temperature. I untie my scarf shirt, untie my shorts, and slide off my underwear.

I put my feet into the tub one foot at a time and slide into the steaming water. I sit in the tub for a while letting the vanilla smell envelop me and letting my tension soak away. Once I am calm, my horniness starts again and now my bath is ruined.

I grab my body scrub and scrub my body down and leave the tub. So much for trying to relax. I dry my body off and put on my nightgown.

I'm tired of being sexually frustrated. It pisses me off. No matter how many times I orgasm I never find satisfaction. I would love to be able to do one and be done but nooooo.

I leave the bathroom and go to the kitchen. Alteno is sitting in his new tv box laying down in his box peacefully.

Wow. Who would've thought that I would pick up a stray cat. I thought when I went to the shelter that I would pick up a dog, a rabbit, maybe even a ferret. But that's the way the cookie crumbles I guess. Plus he fits in perfectly here.

I walk past Alteno's box and he's lazily swinging his tail while laying down. He's so adorable.

I go to the kitchen and open my refrigerator to see what I wanted to eat. I don't want to cook because being mad at your body is very tiring. I open the refrigerator drawer and take out the sushi I was saving.

I don't always have the money for sushi so when I do I make sure to save some for a day that I need cheering up. Today seems to be the day.

I take out a simple California roll

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I take out a simple California roll. As an American, I can confidently say that this probably doesn't stand a chance next to the good stuff but it's a classic. Sometimes I like to say that I like trashy things, someone has to love what another would throw away.

I shove a piece in my mouth and as I begin to chew I close my eyes. I instantly know that I made the right decision to cheer myself up. I let out a deep sigh as I enjoy my first bite.

I open my eyes to pick up another piece as I hear Alteno's bell ring but in a flash of black, Alteno snatches one of the pieces from the counter. He puts the food on the floor and starts munching.

"Man come on. I wanted that piece." Alteno continues to take big bites out of "his" piece. "If you're that hungry, how bout you eat that expensive prescription food I bought for you."

The Stray Cat That Came With A FriendWhere stories live. Discover now