The Secret Is Out /03/19/2023

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Nicky's POV
We hear the police pull up to the apartment complex and a group of them come up the stairs.


Five men burst in in uniform and scout the room. They check the closets and other rooms in case there's anyone else. When they find no one, they all come into the living room.

A black officer addresses us while the others handle the waste of space that Alteno punched.

"Are you two the owner of this home?" 

Alteno speaks first. "No, she is." He points to Cicely still balled up against the refrigerator.

"Sissy, is that you, gal?"

"Hey, Kevin. It's been a while."

"What happened, bun?"

Alteno and I get nervous. What will she say? What if she thinks we're stalkers too?

She sighs and starts her side of the story. "I met that guy on Friday night. He was aggressive when I wanted to leave. I managed to get away but he said he would find me.

I obviously didn't think anything of it but somehow he snuck in here. I was in here alone arguing with him."

"You know, gal, sometimes it's okay for you to back down."

She chuckles, "Yeah, and what would Aunt Maggie say about that?"

He smiles and touches his ring. "Best you did argue with him then. She'd be proud. But what was your strategy gonna be if he shot you?"

"I can take a bullet to the shoulder, Uncle Kev. His aim was ass. But they showed up before that could happen"

He side-eyed us. "Oh yeah, and what do these gentlemen have to do with all this?"

I touch Alteno's back to keep him from rambling or crying. The stress is too much for him at times like this. I can feel his anxiety and I need him calm until we can figure out what to do next.

Cicely looks at us.

Cicely: The first people I've been afraid of in years.

"The guy in the suit is my boss. He was driving by with his friend and probably heard us yelling. They both came up here but the other one got here first.

He blocked the shot and knocked the guy out. My boss called the police from my phone when he got here."

The man takes her statement and we just sit here. "Anything else I need to know about these guys?"

She shakes her head no. Alteno and I both relax a bit

"Do you two have the same story?"

"Yeah, I knew she lived here from her employee info. I was just heading my way home."

"Alrighty, sir. Cicely, do you want to press charges?"

"What would my aunty say?"

He puts his notepad in his pocket and smiles again. "I'll make him pay for it, kiddo. Everyone lets go. I'll leave you to it."

All the officers leave after arresting the pile of shit that thought he could harm my mate and it's just us alone. The door clicked closed and we looked at her.

Cicely: Great now I'm trapped in my own home with two beautiful nightmares. Somebody pinch me

Jax: I don't know about a pinch. How bout a poke?

Alteno: Jaxon stops that. She just went through something horrible; save it for another time.

Nicky: Since when have you had access to her thoughts?

Alteno: Since we touched at the gym today.

"Where's my cat?" Alteno cringed at her question.

"You see, Cicely. I am your cat."

"Uh-huh." She stood up and walked past us and went into her room and closed the door.

Alteno looks at me. "She has to face us sooner or later."

He grabs my hand and we both shift in front of her. She should be startled by us being in front of her but she looks right through us. She pushes us out of the way and goes to her dresser to pull out another nightgown.

When she turns around we're both in front of her again. She pushes past us unfazed to the bathroom. She goes in and locks the door. When she turns to the shower we're there as well.

"You two out. I'll deal with you later. Let me take a shower in peace."

We shift to the living room and wait for her to finish her shower.

When she steps out, she sits on the couch and looks at us. She uses her hand and rubs it over her mouth.

"What are you two."

"I'm a demon."

"And I'm an incubus."

"And what does you being an incubus entail."

"The regular things about feeding on sexual energy, but I can also shapeshift into a form that guarantees that I'll be fed depending on the person. For you, that was as your cat."

"If you can shapeshift then why is the collar still on you."

"There is this thing with incubuses. If one is collared then whoever put it on is technically the only person who they can feed from and we can't be separated."

Cicely whispers, "So that's why you didn't eat the food."

She stands up and puffs out a breath. "But don't you need to have sex with someone to feed?"

"No just sexual energy and you came multiple times every night so it wasn't needed."

"You poured my pills on the floor on purpose."

Alteno shrugged his shoulders awkwardly.

"So what's your real name?"

"My real name doesn't matter. Whatever you want to call me is fine."

"Oh lord why me?"

She looked at the cat bed she set up.

"Did you say we couldn't be separated?"

"For long periods of time or I'll be brought to you whenever you're aroused."

She let out a long groan and slid to the floor. "And really, Mr. Hernandez. You could have killed me. A demon my ass."

"You can call me Nicky if you want. I think we're past formalities at this point."

She narrowed her eyes in spite of me. "No thanks."

Cicely: I couldn't even have a break-in like a normal person. It had to come with two demons and the loss of my kitty or what I thought was a cat

She rolled over and stood up. "I don't understand any of this and I can't deal with this right now. Y'all have got to go."

"But Sissy-"

"Nope, it's Cicely, Mr, Hernandez. And I'll keep your secret and I'll continue to feed you but I need to be alone right now."

She pushed us to the door and kicked us both out.

Jax: Well that could've gone better.

Nicky: I'd like to see you try.

"Looks like we're going home together tonight."

I hold Alteno close. "Maybe she'll be better tomorrow."

"I hope so."

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