Sweet Dreams /04/22/2023

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Alteno's POV
"Come on let's get up."

Nicky groaned. "What for?"

"Jaxon told Cicely we're bringing her stuff into her room or did you forget."

I started with the bigger things first like her dresser and lamp. I carry it down the hallway and don't hear her crying anymore. I gently knock on the door to give her some type of privacy.

Her voice is raspy from crying but she responds nonetheless. "Come in."

I push open the door so I can bring her stuff in. I'm carrying her lamp in one hand and her dresser over my shoulder.

"Where do you want this?"

Her eyes widen like saucers. "Holy fuck. Put that down. Doesn't it hurt your shoulder?"

I shrug my shoulders. I don't think about my strength that often because I hardly use it or I'm used to being around Nicky who's just as strong.

"It doesn't hurt. This is pretty light to me." I push it to the ceiling to show her.

She ducks her head and covers her face. "Okay," she says in a shaky voice. "Just because it's not heavy to you doesn't mean it can't crush me. Just put it down wherever. I'll move it if I need to."

I put the lamp next to a plug in her room and her dresser in front of her bed like it was in her apartment. Nicky walks in behind me with her vanity and her two fans.

"Are both of you freakishly strong? That shit is weird."

"Well, sissy, we are supernatural. To you we are freaks."

"Whatever. And what happened to that other thing that hit me."

"He's only around during emergencies so don't do anything extreme and you don't have to see him again."

Cicely: That's too bad he was just as funny as he was scary.

Jaxon: and that boys is how you make her fall for you.

Nicky coughed. "I could get him to come around more though if you want."

She chuckled. "Oh god no."

Cicely: my ass already hurts enough. I don't need my fly mouth to get me in any more trouble. So much for untouchable.

She rubs the spot where Jax hit her. It was still tender by the look on her face.

"Put the vanity next to the bathroom and the red fan goes on the dresser and the other is next to the lamp."

"What are you doing?" She puts her hand on her hip while she questions me.

"I'm making it like your room was before. I'm sorry you can't be there but I want you to be comfortable here. Our space is yours."

She watches Nicky as he puts her stuff down and goes out to get more.

"What's the point of me being in here then if I'm not doing anything?"

"It's your space, Cicely. Despite us moving you here, you aren't trapped. You can go out and do whatever did before and you can ask for anything you like. The only catch is we have to be there."

"So I'm not here so you can feed from me."

I was hurt by her statement but there was some truth to it. With this collar on, my life depends on her. I can still feed from Nicky but feeding from her will keep me alive.


"You what, Alteno."

"I do need you."

She's stricken silent. There are no more jabs or sarcasm from her full lips.

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