Moving Day /04/08/2023

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Cicely's POV
He flies 10 times faster forcing me to dig my fingers into its skin. The wind pushes back my wig, making me hope my wig glue holds and cools the heat wafting from the creature.

Though the night has a slight chill, being under it was like a warm blanket. He was warm and he felt comfortable.

He felt safe and I hated it.

He felt just like Nicky and Alteno and no matter what they do or how new they are to me, it always felt like I was supposed to be near them, that I needed them when I didn't need anyone but Kiersten and the Kims.

We cover a lot of ground in the smallest amount of time. Once I gather my courage to look down, I see he's flying out of the city and to the outskirts that are surrounded by forest.

In the most dense part of the woods, there's a single house lit. It's a two-story carriage house with a garage that looks like it can fit four cars. It's isolated and looks halfway taken over by wild plants.

 It's isolated and looks halfway taken over by wild plants

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(Imagine the plants are on the house)

It's my dream home. On the outside, everything looks like it's to my preference to a T. It even has a circular window that I loved from my childhood home.

I used to wish that one day I would be small enough to squeeze through it and run away from all my pain and stupid family members.

It was on those days I hoped that I could escape. And though escape didn't come the way I wanted it to, it still happened but I never felt free. I was still afraid but with Aunt Maggie I wasn't alone. Now I am.

Or what I thought was alone.

As we approached the house, I saw movers, this late at night, bringing in what looked like all of my stuff and clothes.

"Why is all of my stuff here?" I yell at the comfortable beast as soon as he put me down in front of the house.

"Little missy, you just tried to kill yourself today. When danger comes to you or Alteno then it's time for me to get involved."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"It means you follow my orders now. You are a danger to yourself so now I have to watch you. The boys wanted to be nice and bring you in slowly but now it's my turn."

"Just cuz you bring me here doesn't mean that I'm not gonna kill myself or listen to you."

"You are welcome to try. Doll, I know your thoughts and where you are at all times so I can prevent that. Even if you do succeed, I'll fly to either heaven or hell and bring you back into my arms.

And for you, my angel, I'll smite God if I have to."

"Oh, this is total bullshit." I stomp my foot on the ground like I'm a toddler.

"How did you even get into my apartment?"

"Alteno. He stopped by today to wait for you and to his surprise, you forgot to lock the door and because he's been around you for a while he knew that something was very wrong."

I groan at his statement. This is so frustrating.

"Until further notice, you'll be living with us."

"What about my apartment? What about my car?"

"Tomorrow, you'll drive to work with Nicky like nothing ever happened and pick up your car. As for your apartment, he'll also handle that. He's good with this human stuff."

"This isn't gonna fly. I have stuff to do, people to see, and places to go. How am I supposed to do that when I'm at granny's house in the woods."

"If you want, I could fly you anywhere you want to go but you are not allowed to go anywhere by yourself."

"Or what?"

He took two steps toward me and the heat flew from his body to mine. He towered over me with piercing green eyes and his humongous horns curled upward to the sky.

He looked down at me making me feel small under his gaze, something I had never felt before. His voice turned gravely and dangerously low when he spoke to me.

"Doll, you don't want to find out."

I swallowed the frog in my throat. His heat was growing and I was becoming shiftier every second he kept his eyes on me. I knew that he wasn't playing but I wanted to see how far I could push him.

"Don't try it."

I forgot he could hear my thoughts and just decided to let it go. "Yes, sir."

When I said sir the markings on his body started swirling like something was about to be unveiled but before I saw, Alteno stepped outside.

"Hey, Cicely." He waved awkwardly from the door.

The beast pushed me toward the door. The feeling of his fingertips lingered long after he stopped touching me.

They both watched me walk into the house. All of my clothes were still in boxes and my stuff was left randomly on the first floor.

"Umm, you can put your things anywhere you like, and if you don't like anything we can get rid of it."

Alteno was moving all over the place readjusting the furniture or dusting shelves or picking at his clothes like someone's obsessive mother.

"Just make yourself at home. Anything here is yours since you'll be staying here from now on."

I looked at a blanket balled up on the couch that matched the color of Alteno's hair. He must've taken that as something wrong with it, so he picked it up and refolded it, and moved it to three different places before I said something.

"Geez, stop it. You act like my opinion is law or something."

His face fell as he realized something unknown to me.

"You're right. You just got here. You just learned about us. You hardly know us."

His head fell and he looked a little hurt by what I said. The beast was leaning on the wall but rushed with a headband to Alteno.

He stood in front of him blocking my view. He put the headband on him and it pushed his hair back. He whispered in his ear and pulled away again.

Alteno looked at me shyly from my position behind the couch.

"What do you think of us?"

I wasn't expecting that question. Truth be told I didn't really care about the demon part. I was angrier about being watched and almost being overpowered.

But demons? I already believed that there were things that humans couldn't explain on this earth and this was just proving my theory true. I don't know how I feel about them personally, I just know that I'm not afraid. Doesn't mean I trust them though.

"Apart from the stalking and workplace harassment, I guess you're okay. And don't forget the uneducated ownership you put me in."

I'm reminded of said ownership when he turns his head to what I assume is a demon. I don't even know how or what or-

"The name is Jaxon, doll. Call me whenever you like."

"Do you always make vulgar comments."

"Of course not. I also partake in vulgar activities."

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