What's Stopping You? /10/10/2023

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Cicely's POV
The morning turned over and I did the same thing during the night. I was stuck on what happened with my legs for the remainder of the night. I was about to give up and let it go but then I heard footsteps on the stairs.

I pull the covers back and turn to see Nicky dressed and ready for work. Just like an excited little kid I get up and run to him.

"Nicky I'm coming with you right."

I interlock one of his fingers with mine and swing our arms and try my sweetest voice.

"Please? Please? Please let me go to work."

He chuckles and rolls his eyes. "As tempting as that is, you're not off the hook. You're staying here."

He took his hand from me and I felt a heavy feeling in my chest. Not only is he leaving me here but he dismissed me like I'm unimportant.

Whatever it's not like I care, I think.

"If you need anything, Alteno will get it for you and stay on the couch. I'm sure you're still pretty cut up."

For lack of a better term, this is stupid. I'm a grown woman. I don't have to stand here and listen to this and he talked down to.

"If you have a problem with this, you can just go apologize to Alteno."

As if.

Nicky smirks at my facial expression that I didn't realize I pulled. "That's what I thought. Have fun."

I sigh and turn to go sit down. At the top of the stairs, I see Alteno leaning on the rail looking down at me.

I wave and he rolls his eyes and goes back into his room. He acts like it's my fucking fault that I'm here.

I look around the living room for anything to do. I haven't been able to do anything since both my laptop and phone are missing.

I bet those two monsters took them so I couldn't leave. If they did then I've turned into another controlling setting.

I see a game station, a bunch of TV remotes, and a bookshelf. Being close to alone after them hovering over me is strange. I have a few options of things to do but, at this moment, doing anything without them feels empty.

Even when one was a cat and the other was just my boss, just knowing that they were watching me filled me with...


I must be going crazy. I know one thing I don't need them to watch over me.

I wobble my way to the kitchen and I get so excited just thinking about what I'm going to make. But it was ruined before I got the chance.

"How did you get down here?"

Alteno shrugs his shoulders and doesn't turn to face me. He takes out seasonings and ingredients to start cooking, taking away my main source of fun.

"I'll just come back when you're done."

My inner thighs are still sore so I try to take it slow but here comes the interruption.

He picks me up bridal style and roughly dumps me on the couch.

"Don't get up." He doesn't spare me a second glance. What the hell am I going to do all day?

Kiersten's POV

My mornings for the last couple of days have been like my best dreams come true. I wake up with Kendall in my arms.

She sleeps soundly with her mouth wide open and hair wildly thrown over her face. I watch her sleep and memorize the features of her face but a part of me knows that I won't forget them.

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