Gahh Damn 😩

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Cicely's POV
Chile it's too early in the morning for this. My phone alarm rings my ear-splitting siren because without it I would never wake up.

It's exactly 6 A. M. when I hop out of bed and get ready for work. I wouldn't call myself an early bird but I'll wake up early when I have to. I take out my outfit for the day and take it with me to the bathroom. It's a habit I've had since I was young. Even though I live alone, I absolutely hate it when I forget to bring my clothes.

I turn on my shower to be more than just warm. Everyone says I take hot showers. What can I say I like the little sting. When I get in I lather my loofah with my watermelon body wash. I love smelling fresh or sweet. Something about smelling like something edible drives my senses.

When I get out I put on my deodorant and start dressing. I put on a white long sleeve shirt and my purple body con dress over it. I don't always dress modestly but in the office, I like to stay covered because it's always cold as fuck in there. Today, I'm not going to stress myself out worrying about how my hair looks so I'm just going to leave it out in my afro.

I walk back into my room and put on some socks and some white air forces. I'm sure that it isn't a common combination but I love these shoes and I'm not gonna kill myself with heels.

I grab my keys and large white purse and start walking to work. I do have a car and while I do enjoy a good car ride, I like the serenity and community of walking.

I turn the corner to my favorite donut shop in the city. I push open the door and the bell rings as I step in.

"Good morning Mr. Kim." An elderly Vietnamese man with glasses and short gray hair stands behind the counter helping out a customer. "Ahh morning, Cicely. How's that new job of yours going." He hands the man his box of dozen and turns to look at me. "Ehh as good as it can be. It's a bunch of numbers and organizing. And somehow Keirsten finds a way to make it fun every day."

"Hehe, that Kiersten is definitely something. Have things with her ex-girlfriend died down. I remember she was pretty torn up about it." Mr. Kim despite his age is very active in the community. He helps at the local shelter, helped at the city garden center, and it also happens to be a huge gossip. He knows everything about everyone including that snot-nosed Brittany.

"She's better now but she pushes it down a lot. Tiff did a number on her. We thought she was so nice in the beginning." Tiff was my coworker at my last job and at the company party I brought Kiersten to the party and that's how they met. I can't help but blame myself for what happened because if I didn't they wouldn't have met. She always gave off a weird vibe but I gave her the benefit of the doubt. That was a mistake.

"Kiersten is a strong girl. I'm sure she'll come out the other side of this." He hadn't seen how broken she was when she came to me but Mr. Kim is usually right about stuff like this. "I hope so Mr. Kim. I would hate to see this girl push her back again." I can't see Kiersten like that again.

"You have to have faith, Cicely." He looked me in the eyes and grabbed my hand. "You girls have each other. You can do anything." If only my real father was like Mr. Kim. "Alright honey. What can I get you? The usual?"
I rolled my eyes. Mr. Kim knows I get the same thing every time. Everything in the shop is good but the usual is my favorite. "You already know," I say with a smile. "Alright, here you go. Two apple bear claws and 12 donut holes." he hands me the bag and they smell heavenly as always.

"You're a savior, Mr. Kim. Thank you." I pay him the total and leave an extra 5 in the jar. "For the free advice. I'll see you later Mr. Kim." The bag is secured and I'm off to work with no stops.

When I reach the building, I open my purse and dig around for my badge. Once I find it the security guard, Geoffrey, scans it. He laughed like he does every day when I dig for my badge. "You know it would be easy to find your badge if u didn't throw it in that mess of a purse." I stuck my tongue out at him and went to the elevator. When the doors opened inside was skinny lightskin tall straight-haired Brittany.

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