My Office (pt 2)

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Nicky's POV
We reach the first floor and Cicely walks out first. She walks close to the wall to put as much distance between us as possible.

Cicely- what the hell is up with me today? I think I've finally lost it.

Cicely starts fanning herself with her hand. "Is it hot in here or something?"

"No, I think it's a pretty comfortable temperature."

Cicely- great so I am losing my grip. Fucking great.

She reaches my office door first. I open the door for her and she enters first. I go in behind her and when she hears the door close she flinches.

"Umm, are you sure we need the door closed?"

"There's no reason for it to be open. My secretary can call me directly at any time and we don't need anyone to interrupt our work. Especially Brittany."

Cicely- I would kill for Brittany to be here right now. She would save me from the fantasies running in my head right now.

"You're right. You're my boss so you must hold yourself to the highest professionalism."

You are so wrong. The only thing holding me back from taking her on my desk is the chance Jax would take control and fuck up my slow approach as Alteno wants.

"Of course. Jared's previous documents are over there on the floor for you."

She looks at the papers nervously.

Cicely- how am I going to pick up those papers without my ass being in the air?

It's cute how she thinks that she can hide her body from me. She walks over to the stack of papers next to the couch. She sets her purse on the couch and the cup next to it. She stares at the papers.

I move to sit down in my behind my desk. Once I sit down I notice she hasn't moved. "Something wrong."

"No no nothing wrong."

Cicely- except that I have no way to stop myself from flaunting my ass to my boss.

She rubs her arms and then looks at her sweater. She takes the sweater off and ties it around her waist effectively covering herself from my eyes. Then she squats down and scoops up the papers and sits next to her bag.

She's resourceful I'll give her that but this fully clothed thing is agonizing. It doesn't seem like she's trying to hide that body so why does she cover herself?


"Hmm." She raises her eyebrows not looking up from the document.

"Why whenever I see you you always dress so stuffy?"

"What do you mean?" She scrunches her forehead still not looking up.

"I mean I have only seen your face and hands regarding skin."

"Oh that. Well if you haven't noticed, it's freezing in the office building so I wear layers so I'm not cold."

Yeah, that is most definitely my fault. Hell is hot so Alteno and I like cold air because we always run hot.

"Why didn't you just tell maintenance to turn the air down."

"Ehh too much work." She turns the page.

"It's a shame. If it wasn't cold all the time maybe you would dress to show off your perfect figure."

She pops her head up to look at me finally.

Cicely- do my ears deceive me?

"Haha, you're funny Mr. Hernandez. If I didn't know better I would think you're hitting on me."

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