My Office (pt 1)

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Nicky's POV

After Ch- Alteno left my office, I only half listened to him when it came to our Sissy. I went down to the accounting department on a cloud but when I saw her taking something from that fake shy kid, the cloud disappeared.

He's always looking or talking to her and it bugs me so much. I didn't have to make her stay in my office but I didn't want him around her.

She could honestly do it all by herself but I want her around me now that I know that she can be mine. Choi and I are going to have so much fun with her. I wonder what she likes to have done to her or what she'll like to do to us.

"Lead the way, Sissy."

Jaxon- God she looks so good in those clothes.

Nicky- mhmm she does.

Jaxon- her failed attempt at modesty is hilarious when I could rip those off her body easily.

Nicky- and her piercing is barely poking through that green fabric.

Jaxon- it's like she's daring me to lick them. I need a better look

Nicky- I'm at work don't do anything that will get me in trouble.

Jaxon- shh

Jaxon teleports Sissy's badge to the floor. She bends over to pick up her badge stretching the thick material with the cup in one hand.

Jaxon- I'm going in.

He sends his essence out to feel up her thigh and ass.

Jaxon- I don't know what to do more; grab her ass or slap it. She's so tempting.

Nicky- don't worry. I'll make sure she wants us.

Jaxon- you better.

When Sissy stands up Jaxon retracts. She pauses for a second. She smells confused. Ugh, Jaxon is gonna get me in trouble.

"Hey, Sissy are you okay." I reach out to her shoulder. When my hand connects with her my body feels like a whole new world opening to me. Then my nose tells me something I love to know

Jaxon touching her turned her on.

"Yeah, I'm good." She leans out of my touch.

Cicely- fuck why am I horny at work. This is bullshit.

I can hear her in my head. I'm having the best day today. I'm going to be able to tease two of my loves.

I should be able to talk to her since we've made first contact but I don't want to scare her. I am a patient man plus together we have all the time in the world.

"Okay let's keep going."


She starts speed walking to the elevator.

Cicely- fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUCK FUCK

That's exactly what I want to do from this angle. The faster she walks the better she looks from behind.

She starts violently pushing the elevator button.

Cicely- why must this happen today of all days? And in front of the boss no less.

The elevator door opens and we step in. I go to the corner behind her as she stands in front of the buttons. She presses the button for the first floor.

Cicely- it's okay. It's okay. You'll be fine as long as you don't let your imagination get the best of you.

She turns back to take a peek at me.

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