My New Owner

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Choi's POV
My mate carries me to the pet store connected to the vet's office.

As she carries me in her arms, we walk down the aisle looking for stuff seemingly for me. When we come across the harnesses, she picks up a dark blue one.

She looks at me and I see it in her eyes. I'm not gonna be able to get out of this. She puts me on the ground and I try everything I can to get her to let go of me but it's pointless. Her hands are firm in holding me still.

She lets go and picks up a black leash and attaches it to the harness.

This is my first time being in this form and I'm already pissed about it.

She starts walking again and I have no choice but to walk by her side.

We're just walking and I start to notice how gorgeous our mate is. Her medium brown skin catches the light just right and shines miraculously. Her hair is a cloud framing her face and looked like it would be soft to the touch.

And the clothes she was wearing definitely made a statement that I had never seen before on her.

She had on black shorts that you had to tie up at the sides, black platform slides, and a pink scarf top

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She had on black shorts that you had to tie up at the sides, black platform slides, and a pink scarf top.

From the view of the floor, I could see all of her underboob. On her thighs, if you look past how gorgeous her hips were you could see scars marring her skin. I have no idea how far they go and she had matching ones on her lower back.

Someone hurt my mate and that was unacceptable. My mate was a calm stream embodiment and whoever wanted to harm that doesn't deserve to breathe the same air as her.

I remember that doctor saying my mate's name but anything that came out of his mouth I tuned out. My mate has me and Nicky now so other men should be repulsive to her very soon.

I watch her go around picking up stuff for me: food bowls, brushes, a bed, this box thing that she has to put together, treats (I will not be eating those), a bunch of toys, and she gets prescription food for me that I will also not be eating.

We get to the counter and the cashier rings her up. Looking up at her, she tells the cashier to add something else behind the counter that I can't see.

She has all the bags in hand and before we get out of the store she picks me up.

She scratches my chin and says, "You're expensive, you know that."

We walk back to her car and we're off to her house again.

We get to her apartment garage and she parks the car. When she gets out she takes the bags up first because she can't carry me and the bags up the stairs at the same time.

After she's done with the bags, she comes back for me. I'm starting to love being held by my mate. I fall against her soft chest and her hand on my belly makes me feel safe. Whenever she holds me I just can't help it and I end up purring. I never realize when I start but eventually the vibrations catch my attention.

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