Our House /06/15/2023

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Sorry y'all for the long break. Think of it like when tv shows still aired more than 10 episodes and they took a break during the summer. I write to escape school so when I'm not in school I forget about writing but for these last few weeks of summer I'm gonna try (key word try) to update more

Nicky's POV
I feel Cicely stirring next to me announcing she's soon to wake up. I put my hand on her arm and she sighs and calms for a bit. The moment we leave her bed she'll wake up so we have to get out of here as quickly as possible.

I shake Alteno so we can get out of here before she wakes up.

Nicky- Hey we gotta go. She's waking up.

Alteno-This is cruel and unusual punishment.

Jaxon- and who's smart idea was it to live in her house as a cat.


Jaxon- that's what I thought so you can't complain

I teleport Alteno and I out and back into our bed. Once we're gone, Cicely wakes like a bucket of water was dumped on her.

We can both feel the emptiness she feels when she realizes that she's here. Alteno rubs the spot on his chest where she laid.

I take his hand from his chest and hold it in mine. "Hey, it's okay. It's just the first day. It'll get better."

"Maybe but she's so stubborn and she isn't liking us too well these days."

"We got this. You, me and her and she can't run from us so easily."

We hear the front door slam closed and see her running into the surrounding woods.

Alteno sighs, "Nope but she'll try every way possible before she gives in."

He stands and stretches, "Come on let's go catch our mate."

Cicely's POV
Something is very wrong. I open my eyes like I've been shocked with a defibrillator.

 I open my eyes like I've been shocked with a defibrillator

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Something is wrong and I don't know what. I see what looks my room but it feels off. My window isn't there. The random nail hole isn't behind the door. The baseboards on the walls don't have the landlord special so you can't see dents in the paint.

This isn't my room. I go to pee and this isn't my bathroom. It looks like it because all my stuff is here but it's different. It's wrong.

The tub is bigger than my apartment standard that I would have to move around in to be comfortable. The medicine cabinet actually has shelves and not removable plastic boards. I open the left hand drawer and there isn't a grease stain from when I accidentally dropped my Blue Magic.

This isn't my bathroom. This isn't my room. This isn't my house. It's theirs. I open the door and see that I'm right where I don't want to be. This lavish house that looks like it came right from my planning book.

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