What Are You Talking About /05/17/2024

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Cicely's POV

From my spot on the floor my face paled and my thoughts started spinning. How did I not notice Kiersten there? How much did she see? What does she think of me? How am I going to explain this away? Why did I even let this happen in the first place?

My thoughts were pointless compared to Kiersten's in that moment. There were two demons in the room and neither of them were quick enough to think that Kiersten was a threat.

Nicky tried to slowly approach Kiersten, but in one swift movement she pulled out the semi automatic that my aunt had given her as a gift that I honestly forgot about. My best friend didn't hesitate for a second and fired two shots. One at Nicky and one at Alteno with perfect aim in the center of their forehead.

Alteno's bullet made contact but passively fell to the floor as if it was fake. But when I turned back to Nicky I knew that whatever I had gotten myself involved in, it wasn't going away.

Around the bullet, Nicky's skin started giving way for black scales and swirling red symbols possibly older than time. The skin on his face looked like the highest form of disguise but underneath was the true beast.

Under the surface, Nicky was the thing that was wrong, the thing that didn't belong here, the thing that saved me. I would recognize those unnatural green eyes anywhere.

Nicky deeply sighed or Jaxon did, I couldn't tell who was in control. "Of all the times you could've tried to be a hero."

He pulled the bullet from the surface of his skin. The small piece of metal was red hot and deformed. When he dropped it to the floor, his face returned to a regular human face with no injury.

All of us were stunned in place.

We let the seconds tic by. Kiersten never moved from firing stance. Alteno stood behind me and his eyes kept shifting to me like he wanted to hide me.

Nicky was the only person who wasn't frozen. He walked to the back of the couch and leaned on it.

As if the situation wasn't mortifying enough, Kiersten spoke, "What is that white spot in the middle of your pants?"

In that moment, I truly wished that they let me fall off that building.

Nicky smiled to himself, the pillar of unbothered. "Don't you have to get back home to Kendall?"

My friend tried her best to keep her composure but I knew she was shaken up. "How do you know that?"

"She's my cousin and as much as I want her to stop, she tells me everything. So dutiful employee of mine, don't you think you need to be heading back."

Kiersten looked like she didn't know how to respond. She kept looking at me and at the door. For someone who just shot at two people for me, she's taking a long ass time.

"No I'm not leaving without my best friend. Cicely let's go."

She beckoned me with her hand to get up but I still didn't move. I can't leave Nicky and Alteno. What will they do without me? What would it be like without them?

Nicky looked at me with hope in his eyes after I finished my thought process. It's times like these where I think my thoughts aren't my own and I talk out loud.

"You can leave."

Alteno snapped his head up, "What are you talking about?" Alteno's previously rosy face from our little group groping session drained of all color and sweat started beading at his temples.

"You heard me. Leave."

That word was all that I wanted but it sounded so final from him.

For some reason, I had a huge lump in my throat that stopped me from speaking but I managed in a choked voice to ask, "What?"

I felt warmth build behind my eyes. Nicky stood and slowly rose above me.

"You've been trying your best to find a way out and your best friend is right here to take you."

"B-but where," I racked my brain for any reason why I had to stay, why I couldn't leave them. "Where am I supposed to go?"

"I don't care where you go. Go back to your apartment. Go back to your routine. Go back to your hiding. I'm sure you miss your comfort zone."

"But what about keeping me here and keeping an eye on me."

"You're a grown woman. You don't need anyone to take care of you."

But I want someone to take care of me. I want someone to make me breakfast, to heal my wounds, to care about what's best for me, to love my ruined heart and I'm selfish enough to want both of them when they're obviously in a relationship together.

"You can take her, Kiersten, just get her off my floor."

"As if we needed your permission."

Kiersten started to approach me and I realized that I'm covering the mess of my sexual sins. I held my hand out to stop her, "No it's okay I'm staying."

"Girl, what are you saying? Just let me take you to my house let's go."

"No it's fine all my stuff is here so plus they aren't so bad as housemates."

"Are you sure? I don't know how I feel about leaving you here. They aren't human and I know that for sure."

"Trust me I'm fine. If I wasn't I would be screaming and begging you to take me."

Kiersten eyed them suspiciously, "Okay but if you need anything find a way to contact me and I'll come get you no matter when."

She tucked her gun in her purse and exited through the sliding door before she closed it Nicky called out, "Congratulations."

Kiersten scoffed, "On what?"

"On finding your soul mate. You'll never have to go searching for the right one ever again, I have a feeling that this one is perfect for you. The girlfriend you've always wanted."

Kiersten was taken aback but she rolled her eyes, "Whatever. Bye, Cicely."

When she left the awkward silence in the room was thick. I took a second to get my bearings and stood up. I looked down on myself and was covered in the remains. My leg was wet and the bottom of my night gown was damp to the touch.

Alteno noticed the mess and pulled the sticky fabric from clinging to me and said four words that made me want to make a new one. "Let's get you cleaned up."

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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