What's That Smell?

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Cicely's POV
My alarm rings pissing me off like always.

Mr. Big Shot is coming back to the office today and he never tolerates tardiness because we still haven't found the mistake someone made.

These last two weeks have been hell at work. He rides everyone's ass including Brittany who still hasn't stopped her drooling over him. Anytime he comes in he's watching over everyone's shoulder and barking orders.

Everyone at the office says he's not like that often but from what I've seen that's all he does. It also doesn't help that every time he sees me I'm eating something. The stress had really been getting to me. I eat when I'm upset okay.

I'm talking alfredo, jambalaya, birria tacos, fresh muffins, fried catfish, seared salmon, and lasagna. He also always catches me right after I've warmed it up so the smell was extra potent. Thank god the lord loves me because he's never commented on it. If he did I might just simply pass away right there.

And Brittany has been ruthless in trying to catch his attention. Wearing outfits as scandalous as she can while being inside the dress code, fetching anything he needs be it files, food, or coffee she's on it.

Oh but my favorite thing she does is wear this strong designer perfume. She puts so much on that it chokes the air and anyone around her.

I remember the first day she wore it vividly because it was hilarious.

Brittany had followed me into the break room for whatever reason. I was in there to get my  Trix cereal bar bc I was absolutely craving one.

She's talking my ear off about how many men looove her light skin and green eyes and how she's not ghetto like a bunch of women yada yada yada. Stuff like that.

Mr. Big Shot walks past the break room door in his snazzy suit. When he passes the door he yells, "WHAT'S THAT SMELL?? God damn."

He backs up and walks into the break room. He comes up to me and Brittany making us look up at him.

"It's my new Chanel perfume, Mr. Hernandez. Don't you love it?"

"Usually when women put on perfume, Brittany they don't use the whole fucking bottle."

I chuckle a little bit causing him to look down at me just then realizing that I was there.

He puts his eyes on me then looks down at the Trix bar in my hand and smirks.

Then he leaves the room and goes back to his barking orders.

"Did you see that? He noticed how I smelled. It's only a matter of time before he's mine."

"Yeah, sure Brittany."

Today is a different day though so we're going to make the best of it.

I put on my red turtleneck and black flared tights. It's supposed to rain sometime tonight and with Mr. Big Shot coming back I have a feeling that I'm not gonna be leaving on time, so I put on my tan rain-resistant trenchcoat and some black and red running shoes. Oh, and I can't forget my travel umbrella with little stars on it.

 Oh, and I can't forget my travel umbrella with little stars on it

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