Couchridden /06/22/2023

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Cicely's POV
Nicky puts the finishing touches on my bandages and walks to the hall closet. He's finished so I assumed that he would leave me.

I slide to the edge of the couch so I can go to my room but anytime I move my legs it becomes too painful. If I was in good health I would've been gone by now, but my rubbing thighs slowed me down immensely.

I had just stood up when Nicky ran to me with a giant pillow under his arm.

"Hey, take it easy there." He pushed me back down to the couch despite my protesting.

"I have to go get dressed and other things that I can't think of right now." I tried resisting but his stupid super strength sat me down easily.

"Nope no way. You heard him and what he says goes."

Nicky puts the pillow down and goes back to the closet for a bundle of blankets.

"Speaking of. What's his problem?"

As he unfolded the blankets, noticed his forehead furrow. "That's a pretty long story and not mine to tell but I will tell you that you hit a soft spot. It's not surprising that he has daddy issues but even mentioning him will completely change his mood."

"Oh, I didn't know. Should I go apologize?"

He let out a deep sigh and I could feel the weight on his shoulders. "No, he understands that you're upset, just give him some time to cool down."

Nicky grabs my legs and lays them on the couch. He spreads my legs apart slowly making sure not to disturb my bandages.

His head in between my legs sends my mind to places that I haven't been in a while. I imagine his snake bites sliding on the sides of my labia earning shivers throughout my entire body.

I keep thinking how great it would be if he held my legs down to keep them from locking around his head. I was in my head for a second too long but it felt like a detachment when he picked up the pillow.

He put it in between my legs and crossed my legs over it. "This is so your legs don't rub together. If you need to go to the bathroom, I'll take you."

My heart had paused when I realized that I was thinking about him the way that I was. What is wrong with me? No, what's wrong with them?

Why do I feel like they know me and they want me? Why do I feel like this is where I'm supposed to be? Why am I even thinking about them at all?

"You're hungry, right?"

On queue, my stomach started growling. He chuckled at the noise, "Yeah, running away first thing in the morning will do that to you."

He laid one of the blankets on me and it smelled like "my cat". Something is seriously wrong with me. I tried my best not to be comforted by the smell but it wasn't long before I felt like I was swallowed by the couch.

"Don't get to comfortable. I'll be back but while you're at it, go back to thinking about me exploring your thighs."

The last thing I remember is the shock from his statement and his smug smile. There's no way he knew what I was thinking. Right?

I was out cold and it didn't even cross my mind to think that I'm in danger. I've felt safer here than I have in my life.

My senses are overwhelmed with spices and I hear sizzling. When I open my eyes, there's a plate on the coffee table in front of me with eggs and chorizo and homemade tortillas.

I sit up and reach for the plate. I smell the warm tortillas and they're fresh. The eggs are simply scrambled and fluffy. The chorizo is chorizo and there's no way you can mess it up.

It's not much but the fact that he can cook at all is great enough. He also put down a glass of orange juice, I was stricken by the glass because it bad barely just started to sweat.

Did I wake up because he put the food down then left?

I couldn't ponder on this question because shortly after Nicky came back.

"It's good that you're up. I didn't know if I was allowed to wake you or not."

He sat down two plates and two glasses. I watched Nicky's face carefully. This is a new side to him that I haven't seen before.

At work, he's so bossy and when he flirted with me he laid it on thick. Here in his home, he's caring and thoughtful. I expected relentless passes at me but he hasn't so much as looked at me lustfully.

With his many piercings and built body, you would expect that he puts no effort into anything. Do I dare say I was wrong about him?

I'm asking so many questions about myself lately when I'm around them. Nicky doesn't say anything else after that but behind his eyes it looks like he's having a whole conversation.

He looks at me and smiles like he's planning something. At the top of the stairs, Alteno comes out of the room in a white hoodie and black pajama pants.

I avoid watching him approach the table. He sits on the opposite side next to Nicky and eats silently.

I hate being here in all sincerity but I was out of line especially knowing that I struck a nerve. "I'm sorry."

He continues to stare down at his food. "It's fine. It's not like it's your fault."

"It's really not. I don't like that I'm forced to live here or that you tricked me but I should've never called you out of your name. You're just trying to make sure that I don't kill myself."

He shifts in his spot on the floor. "You're our responsibility since it was our fault you spiraled so far. We all make mistakes."

I try to reach for my glass and the effort to scoot up hurts again. I breathe through my teeth and bare it but they weren't having it. Nicky pushed me back and Alteno grabbed my glass and put it in my hand.

I shook my head. They're babying me too much. "We'll baby you because you're hurting. Stop trying to do everything by yourself."

Alteno left his words hanging in the air after he left to the kitchen. His hair was down blocking his face from my view. I couldn't tell if ge was being serious or not.

My ears must be going or perhaps I'm speaking out loud without noticing it. Babying is too specific for him to just guess that.

"Don't worry about him," Nicky was fluffing up a nest of pillows for me to lay on. "He's the best at polite wars but I know he appreciates your apology. He hasn't gotten an apology from people who deserve it so he likes that you tried to earn his forgiveness even if he had already given it."

He smiles to himself adding more pillows and blankets to my soft trap. "Why would he forgive me though? I haven't done anything to deserve his forgiveness. He hardly knows me either."

"He knows you more than you think, Sissy. And you took care of him when I couldn't. I think that counts. We lost hope of ever finding our- I mean someone like you so you do more for both of us than you'll ever know."

"But anyone would've taken care of him, right."

He stopped his nesting and searched my face. "You'd be wrong. You are one of a kind and the reason you are here is because you are the only one."

He stood and started to follow Alteno into the kitchen.

"Only one for what?"

He left my question unanswered. What could I possibly be so important for them to care about me this much?

I sat my empty plate and glass on the table and fell back into the pillow mountain that was left for me.

The pillows welcomed me into a great slumber. I felt like I was cocooned between a rock and a comfortable hard place.

My thighs started to feel slick with wetness. It slid across my shredded skin but stopped at a certain point.

The ordeal didn't feel out of place or bothered me, not even a little so I slept.

I woke up in the middle of the night and didn't feel any pain at all. I checked under my bandages and all that was left were small scabs.

The cuts looked almost completely healed. I touched my skin and it was completely dry. What the hell just happened?

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