I'm Fine

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Choi's POV

That day Nicky had come back late and he was so tired that he just passed out on the couch.

And pretty much that's how the days have been. He'll wake up angry or pissed that he'd have to leave me and when he came back home he would be bone tired but wouldn't sleep unless he saw that I was okay. But he was always too tired to feed me and he was working all the time so I understood.

Some days he would use his lunch break to come and check on me.

He looked so exhausted. I didn't want to bother him by being needy so I didn't tell him about my hunger.

I could hold out long enough for him. It's the least I could do. If I wasn't so much of a scaredy cat I could use another person to feed on but I didn't like feeding on strangers.

They never knew what they were signing up for so I only use Nicky.

He was so stressed out at work. I didn't want to add to that.

Nicky woke up late this morning so he rushed out as soon as he could and didn't wake me.

He had called me and told me he was at work so I wouldn't worry.

I could go out whenever I wanted because with the money Nicky earned he bought whatever he wanted because it wouldn't even dent our account.

I just didn't know what to do. We were in America and this new century left me clueless sometimes. The only things I know how to do is work my fancy iPhone and use the tv.

I didn't know our stupid smart refrigerator worked or how to use the PlayStation that I wanted to play so badly. And don't even ask me about that idiotic laptop. I only know how to put in the password and that's it.

I could get a job but the only thing that I'm good at is making clothes. I would love to be a designer but I just don't know. I want to be useful but I didn't have the best rep with people.

I was always too shy or too nice. I also loved to be around children. I used to want my own someday but I don't want to end up like my father. And with Nicky and I being males we can't make one on our own.

We would have to go to a doctor and who knows what woman we could get that would be able to give birth to demon children.

Maybe I could work at a daycare. But what daycare would hire a 6'5 man with tattoos to be responsible for children. Well with my small pool of options, I guess staying at home is good enough.

I walk into the kitchen to get something when the bell rings. I go to the door to open it already knowing it is. Since the first bell rang, it didn't stop ringing. She won't stop pressing the button until I open the door.

I pull the door open and instantly hear screeching.

"Eeeee. Choi, I haven't seen you in so long." Kendall pushed into the house already going into the kitchen to raid the kitchen.

"You seem a little bit more occupied with the food than me, Kendall." She pulls out a sarcastic gasp of shock

"And here I thought you trusted me." She takes out the leftover pesto pasta I made last night.

I had planned to eat it with Nicky last night but when it was done he was asleep. He tried to stay up for me but sleep got to him before I could. He took it for lunch this morning though and texted me that it was really good.

"Speaking of trust. Where is my nontrusting jealous cousin?" She looks around looking for him.

"He's at work right now. He's been pretty busy lately." I rubbed the back of my head and felt my hair. It wasn't as soft as it was before. Maybe it's just me.

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