Chapter 99

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Lucien's P.O.V.

When I hear Bella say her future father-in-law, a warmth settles over me and I know I'll never be cold again. Did she just agree to spend an eternity with me?

"Did you hear something?" Bella asks me after some snide remark made by our prisoners. I'm pretty good at ignoring my prey, they do a lot of whining and wheedling once I have them under my control, but I happened to hear Skylar tell her she's disgusting for touching me.

"Nope," I tell her, "didn't hear a thing except you mentioning your future father-in-law." Now that, I am interested in hearing all about.

I see a blush creep up her neck. "Well," she stammers, "I...I just know..." she stops talking and starts fiddling with her fingers. She's so transparent, I can read her thoughts as they transcribe across her face, and I love her for it. "Relax Bella, I'm just teasing," I say with a smirk. "I've have the same thoughts when I'm with your father." I hear her breathe heavily out of her nose and my smile widens. "Let's chat after we drop these morons off at the police station," I tell her, looking in my rear view mirror. John looks catatonic, he's just staring out the window barely blinking. Skylar, on the other hand, is looking at Bella with loathing and revulsion, and making a point of not looking at me.

The next twenty minutes are spent in relative silence. Bella has found a radio station she likes and she's humming along with a Luke Bryant song, tapping her fingers on her lap as she looks out the window. I reach over for her hand, and she immediately puts our clasped hands in her lap. I hear shuffling in the back and glance at Skylar. He's looking down, shaking his head. I guess he doesn't approve.

When we pull into the police station's parking lot, I turn the engine off and get out of the car. Bella gets out too and we walk to the back of the SUV to release our prisoners. When the hatchback opens, revealing a penitent John and a pissed off Skylar, I clear my throat and let my demon hiss with a preternatural growl, "You will walk inside and confess to raping and strangling Bella Parker on June 29th, 2019." The fact my voice is unnaturally deep and gravelly gives pause to the two men, and I can tell I will get no resistance from them. "Give the police details so there is no question the assault was committed by you two buffoons. You will go to jail, and I'll be sure to inform the Devil of your release date when it comes so he can pay you a little visit. Remember, he's watching you," I tell them viciously, and they nod silently at me, fear etched into their faces.

Bella and I walk them into the precinct and ask for a detective. When one comes over to us, Bella introduces Detective Paul Collins to John Henry and Skylar Schmidt, describing who they are and what they did to her. He looks at them with interest, and ushers them into two different interrogation rooms. When he comes back to thank Bella for bringing them in, he asks her how she got them to confess. Bella shrugs and says, "I guess the guilt was eating them alive." I have to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from smiling and I have to disguise my laugh with a cough when I hear her say, "Oh and Detective, I think they're a little wacky if you know what I mean. They kept rambling on about the Devil and demons or some such nonsense."

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